And He Cried Mercy... *2*

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I know its short but ALOT more chapters are coming. ive been posting on Quizilla, sorry for abandoning you guys/ gals. whoever is reading this... and it WILL get better. promise. =)





Who is making all this noise at this ungodly hour?!?! I thought to myself. Whoever it is, they are going to pay.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw his brown hair and gold eyes, those beautiful gold eyes I haven’t seen for so long. I took my time to take in his features once again, his long nose, freckled cheeks, and pinkish lips. He sported black skinny jeans and a black hoodie with silver angle wings printed on the back. As he paced across my bedroom his purple converse squeaked. I sat up in my bed, leaped off the end, and tackled him in a big bear hug.

“Oh my goodness Nick! You’re here! You are in so much trouble mister! I can’t believe I haven’t seen you in over a year!” I yelled at him, still clinging to his body.

Well I guess you’re wondering why I’m so happy to see this person who just appeared in my room while I was sleeping. Try and keep up with me ok.

Nick is 14 and is my guardian angel and he only visits me every so often because he has to control so much of the Spirit Realm (SR for short). Nick is half angle, half ghost, and I say he’s also part human but he disagrees. He was my mother’s angel but when she died giving birth to me, he became my angle. My dad left me after I was born without a note or a goodbye. I was sent to live with my Aunt Nattalie in Orlando, Florida and met my best friends Skylar, 13, or Sky for short, and Adam, 13. Skylar has dark blond hair and shocking green eyes and dresses in whatever her hands touch first in her closet. Adam has light and dark blue eyes that look like ocean waves, he has brown flippy hair and dresses in mostly dark colors. His clothes mostly represent his mood. I’m 13 and have brown hair with red highlights in it. My eyes are a deep chocolate brown with flecks of gold in them. I pretty much dress like a preppy scene, confusing right?

All three of us are necromancers, we also can read people’s minds and see the future. Each of us also have different powers that help us a lot in life. I can move objects with my mind, Sky can turn invisible, and Adam can teleport. Other than that we are normal teenagers.

*** back to tackling Nick***

He squeezed me tightly and then let go of me. “I heard you had a vision last night, do you want to tell me about it?” I sighed. I knew he would ask eventually but I was hoping he would ask later than now.

I took a few steps back and sat at the end of my soft bed and told him all I could remember, considering how much I did remember, I pretty much told him every little detail from what I was wearing to what the man’s voice sounded like. As I finished he just stared at me with an expressionless face, meaning he was in deep thought.

“That’s very…interesting Mercy, I will indeed inform the King about this. I’m not quite sure what to make of it and maybe he will know something. But for now I must be off if I want to make it there by tomorrow. I’m sorry it’s been so long mercy. Please be safe for me ok?”

“I will try Nick, but mark my words if you aren’t back within 9 months I will skin you alive!” I giggled while trying to hold a straight face. He chuckled and waved goodbye before he disappeared.

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