Angelica looked adorable in her mini rose gold dress. "Mama!" She sprinted in her baby heels to me. It wasn't a far sprint but she managed to almost trip over her feet. I caught her before impact and lifted her into my arms. "Mama, did you see the snow? It was so white! It was cold, and fluffy, and-and white!" I smiled, "I did see the snow. Wasn't it pretty?" She nodded. Her little braids and hair clips bounced with her head.

"Oh! Let me take a picture!" My mother brought her phone and took a few photos of us. "Grandma, can I see?" Angel waved her hand for the phone. My mother waltzed over to us. She is really making the most of the cocktail-themed dresses. I laughed to myself. Angel looked through the photos then nodded with approval. "Mama, did you bring your camera?" I nodded, "of course!" I set Angel down on the ground and went to my seat in the reception hall. Under the chair was a black camera bag. I showed Angel the bag. "What about my camera?" I grinned and nodded.

A few months back, Angel had found a few films I had made in college. She then declared she wanted to be a cameraman and demanded I buy her a camera. I asked an old buddy of mine and managed to get a camcorder for cheap, and Angel when ham with it. She decorated it with stickers and made me promise to bring it everywhere so that she could use it to make films like mine.

I gave Angel her camcorder and watched her gleefully start taking videos. "She really is your mini-me," my mother grinned. I nodded, proudly.


Angelica had a bit too much fun through the flower petals everywhere. She tossed it everywhere in many different dramatic ways. Everyone laughed when she made it to the end of the aisle and just started dumping the flower petals out of the basket.

Then came Vivica. She looked heavenly. The lights dimmed, and the soft music played. I didn't expect the smoke to fill the floor, but Gracyon had the money and she definitely took no restraint in spending it. The spotlight illuminated her way, making her look like a movie star. Above the glace ceiling were Christmas lights. I stood from the end of the aisle and almost cried when I watched her mother hand her over to Grayson. The way he looked at her reminded me of Raphael. Just with a much more beat red face.

"You look beautiful," he whispered. Vivica shrugged, "I know. You're not too bad yourself." He smiled and I could definitely tell her joking attitude calmed him down. Gosh, they were so made for each other.

Vivica actually met Grayson while I was giving birth to Angel. He was a surgeon who had just finished an operation on someone. Vivica has a phobia of blood, so she ended up having to stay outside my room. While she waited with my other family and friends in the lobby, Grayson came with a paper bag and a cup of water. He said he had seen her hyperventilating and wanted to make sure she was okay.

Vivica did her little flirty thing and wooed him. He fell head over heels. The poor man didn't know what he was getting into. Vivica can be a lot at times. And they both had to adapt to each other. Vivica had to file her talons down, while he had to grow a pair. Took a lot of courage for him to propose, but he knew her well enough to know exactly how to do it. He literally proposed on a yacht during the sunset with fairy lights and candles. She immediately said yes, like any sane person in that situation, and here we are.

"You may now kiss the bride." Fireworks went off as the two shared their first kiss as a married couple. Loud music began to play, the definite symbol that it was time for Angel to go.

I clapped for my best friend, and I realized this was the third happiest moment of my life.

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