"Will you marry me?" He kissed the palm of my hand, his instinctive reaction every time he saw me cry. And gosh was a flood of tears running down my face. My heart shivered at his touch.  He stared so intensely into my eyes, finding enjoyment in my exaggerated response to his proposal.

I stayed silent for a few moments. My words stuck in my throat. His green eyes begged me for an answer. I nodded quickly. My throat was clogged with tears and I could barely breathe, but I needed to answer him. He let go of my hand and sprung up from his knees. His height nearly tripled as he towered above me. His tanned muscular arms gently wrapped around my waist, his lips smashing into mine. There goes my chance of getting oxygen. Though I didn't mind. I slinked my chubby arms around his neck. My hands dug into his freshly cut curls. Not a lot to grab on to now but I made due and pressed him closer,  deepening the kiss.

 I had never felt such pure joy up until this moment. The Christmas music echoing through the town square seemed to increase in volume by tenfold.  It felt like I was feeling, and hearing everything but nothing at the same time. Cheers and claps filled the chilled winter air around us. I chuckled against his lips. We separated, and I could finally see the abundance of family and friends surrounding us. My eyes drifted back to my left hand. He fumbled with the miniature black box and slipped a silver band with a small diamond on my finger. It was perfect. Everything felt perfect.

His right arm slipped comfortably around my hip, but the connection didn't last long. I was quickly rushed away by our mothers and aunts, missing his warmth. His friends laughed and cheered for him. I glanced over to my now-fiancee, he caught my gaze and smiled. The permanent smile on my face somehow widened at his gleaming grin. "I love you," he mouthed. "I love you too," I beamed.

This marked the first happiest moment of my life. 

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