"Raphael speaking," his husky voice tickled at my ear. Traditional Chinese music was playing in the background, along with small murmurs in the distance. Where is he?  Vivica gave me a thumbs up at my nervous glance. I pressed the phone closer to my ear. "Um, this is Beatrice Hamilton. I- uh." God, I was so nervous, the words I had just rehearsed with Vivi had completely left my brain and jumped out the window. "Oh! Ms. Pickup Line! I didn't think you'd call," I could hear his smile. Was that possible? Regardless, the thought of his infamous smile sent butterflies in my stomach. "No! I was definitely going to, I just got... nervous." I looked up at Vivica who was smiling at me with pure joy. Her excited and proud expression gave me courage.

He was the first boy I had asked out, and the first guy in a while to make me feel this giddy. I knew she was just as excited as I was to see how this would play out. And I refused to let my nerves be the reason things feel out. "Um, by any chance would you like to go out to dinner...with me... one day." The question was met with utter silence. My anxiety shot through the roof. What does the silence mean? Is he going to say no? Or maybe this is some weird sick jo-...

"Sorry, I volunteer at an elderly home every weekend, and the ladies here are pretty noisy. Especially when it comes to the phone calls I am on with girls." The purest feeling of admiration filled my chest. I could hear the sound of a door opening, and to my utter surprise he spoke in a soft voice, "对不起,我在打电话." I froze, completely flabbergasted. The door closed and his breathing was audible again. "Sorry, but what did you say earlier? You speak Chinese?"

"Yeah, kind of a random thing I picked up a few years back." I could tell his words probably weren't completely honest, but I didn't read too much into it. "What did you say?" "That I was on the phone." I mouthed an 'O'. "About what you said earlier?"

I snapped out of my dazed state. "Oh! I asked if you wanted to have dinner with me." He didn't even pause to think before answering, "Yes." My eyes darted to Vivica who was leaning on her elbows in anticipation. I mouthed, "he said yes," and she silently cheered for me. She ran over to help me navigate the rest of the conversation.


"It's been a while, Bea." Vivica sat in front of me. I immediately noticed the giant diamond on her hand. "I heard about you and Gracyon, congrats." I smiled a bit weakly. The diamond fit her. She blushed and smiled at the ring, "yeah, it was totally unexpected. He is too perfect for me..." Her eyes widened before she shot me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry I-," I shook my head. "Never apologize for sharing your happiness with me. I am genuinely happy for you. You two were made for each other." I smiled but a pang of jealousy gripped my heart. "Thanks, Bea," Vivi beamed. I know I shouldn't feel like this, but my words feel too fake even if I want them to be true.

"I actually called you because I wanted to ask if you wanted to be my maid of honor? You know, like how I was for you?" She slid an invitation towards me. "It's a draft, and the date isn't completely for certain, but if there is one thing I know is I want you by my side through every step of the way." I slowly grabbed the invitation and opened it. The first words I read were in bold black letters, "You Are Cordially Invited-" I slid the invitation back in the envelope. "Vivica, I don't know about this. We haven't talked in almost a year." Vivica shrugged, "but we are talking now? Why does that matter."

My chest felt tight. "I just..." I don't want to. I'm not ready for that. "Are you sure about this?" I grumbled to myself. Chastising myself for having the lack of courage to voice my true thoughts. "Without a doubt." I stared at the cream-colored envelope. The red wax stamp and twine rope decorating it really made everything feel real. My best friend of 29 years is getting married. We are practically sisters, having been literally raised together. Don't be selfish. Just do it. I slowly nodded.

Her award-winning smile lit up on her face. She scurried around the table in her killed feet heels and pulled me into a hug. Man, I really am getting a lot of hugs today. "You won't regret it!" She kissed my forehead, leaving a red lipstick mark. "Love you, Bea!" She then rushed off as fast as she came. "What have I done?"

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