"Can Angel be my flower girl?" I nearly choked on my Nutella bread. "Um, I don't know. Aren't there no kids?" Vivica spread her jam on her toast and took a bite, "I'm having a few babysitters take care of the kids while we adults have fun. She can go with them when she is done." I shrugged, "I guess that's alright. I'm sure she will love it."

Over the past year, Angel has mainly been with my moms. I mentally and physically couldn't care for her from the state I was, am in. Don't get me wrong I love her dearly. But that is exactly why I had to distance myself. She didn't deserve to see me like that. Broken. Angry. Depressed.

"You know the church has really been missing you." I nodded, "I've been getting a few calls and texts. Carla has left a few casseroles. Never can go wrong with Carla's casseroles." Vivica chuckled, "that's something I've noticed about you. You're a lot more sarcastic than I remember. Where did the timid girl who couldn't form a full sentence go?" I shrugged, "Rae had a way of getting me out of my comfort zone and pushing me to be better. He always said if I can't cry it out make a joke." Vivica nodded, she leaned against her elbow.

I squinted at her. "What? You have that look of a proud mom when her kid goes to college. " Vivica chuckled. "You are a lot more comfortable talking about him." I grumbled, "and you're a lot sappier than I remember. Don't analyze me and trick me into opening up about things. Didn't you want to talk about seating arrangement and what not?" Vivica shrugged, "but you are so fun to analyze." I rolled my eyes, "analyze this seating chart first."


"Who knew birth was so gross." He smiled down at our baby girl in his arms. I glared at him, "wow thanks." He gave me a sheepish grin, "what? It's true. When people say it's beautiful they clearly haven't watched it live in 3D." I grimaced, "don't use 3D to describe that! That's weird! Gosh, what have I done to you, you sound like a film nerd." He snickered and kissed my forehead.

"Nighty night buttercup. You look half dead." I huffed, "oh yeah. Rain in the compliments." He smiled, "hey. You also sound like me. My personality is cute on you." I shook my head smiling. It wasn't until I started leaning back into the hospital bed that I realized how tired I was. The adrenaline had run out.

"You did great, babe." Rae gave one last kiss on my forehead before I drifted into a deep slumber. I caught a glimpse of him holding the hand of Angelica and immediately knew that this was the second happiest moment.

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