He immediately stopped in his tracks and turned around, his eyes filled with tears once again, "Your body can but mentally you can't! If everything goes right he wants you to hunt down and kill anyone who helps Potter. He wants you to become what you fear most! Dumbledore's orders are to follow anything he tells you to do so you don't raise suspicion."

"W-what, what the fuck is he planning?"

"You'll find out tomorrow. Please unpack everything, I need some fresh air." Using his wand the door to the halls swung open and slammed as he swooped out. I stood there and stared at the door before walking into the bedroom and collapsing onto the bed. Not caring about unpacking, shrinking into a ferret to fall asleep.


I slowly started to flutter my eyes open and quickly realized I'm standing in my childhood bedroom. I looked at the bookshelves and all the books were blank. Who cares about the books if I'm back here then maybe just maybe. I swung the door open and ran down the stairs turning into the kitchen. Awaiting their open ar-

"No, no no no, NO!" My parents, the Druids are lifeless covered in blood, their bodies almost unrecognizable from burns laying on the white tiled floor. I looked away, my eyes shutting tight as I gagged, holding back a flood of tears and vomit. Why just why would I bring myself here. I stopped grieving them while still at Hogwarts. I blocked them out considering I had bigger problems to worry about at the time.

"Tragedy isn't it." I opened my eyes and wobbled back quickly. My birth father, Voldemort gilded past me and used his wand to make my parents' corpses disappear.

I clenched my fist, "I forgot the pain you brought me those first years at Hogwarts." I stopped and remembered Dumbledore wants me to work for him to help the order. "However after I found out the truth from Dumbledore, I realized you were the only one who never lied. You're the one I want to stand by, the one I want to work with, father"

His head tilted up and I swear I could see his red eyes sparkle with delight, "Severus told me you've made up your mind for good. That prophecy I showed you all those years ago is coming true once again. The dark lord's heir working by my side creating the perfect pure blood wizard society."

"Of course but don't expect me to be nice to Lucius. You know you could've stopped him."

He walked over and caressed my check causing me to flinch back, "When I did return he stopped sexually harassing you didn't he? I did stop him but to show I haven't gone soft with you I still made him punish you. You understand right?"

I swallowed all of my arguments dry with no water, "Of course, I'll see you tomorrow." I turned and quickly walked to the front door and opened it with ease.

"Y/n," I stopped, my hand shaking but still keeping myself composed, "Congrats on the boyfriend." I sighed as I walked through the door and sunlight shined right into my eyes.


I looked around and by the look of the sun barely rising it's the next day. I took off the covers and went to the closet to quickly get changed. "Sev?" I yawned and stretched as I shuffled into the small sitting room we have. "Se-" I paused and felt bad as I saw him sleeping on the couch that barely fit him, his feet dangling off the edge. I abruptly went to our chambers and grabbed a pillow and blanket. I threw the blanket over him and carefully lifted his head placing the pillow under. I kissed his forehead and moved a strand of hair out of his face, both of us smiling slightly in sync. He's usually awake before me, I didn't know he looks so peaceful when sleeping. Then before leaving I conjured a hot cup of tea and set it on the coffee table. Slowly I closed the door making sure not even the click was heard.

"Y/n?" I jumped but calmed down when I turned and made eye contact with McGonagall, "I thought you wouldn't be here for a few more hours."

"Oh me and Sev-erus came in yesterday. I fell asleep around noon so that's why you probably didn't see me."

Her eyes widened, "You came with Severus, is it official?"

I froze as I felt my whole body turn red, "Er uh um yes he asked me out before we came here."

She rolled her eyes, obviously upset, "Damn it! I owe Albus 10 galleons...well I'm happy it's finally happened." She turned and started to walk away. I processed what she said and quickly ran to walk beside her.

"You bet on us?!"

"Well we have two bets right now that have been going on since your 5th year I suppose. The one I just lost is I betted Severus couldn't ask you out and Albus said he could. The other one is, I bet you'll marry Remus and obviously he thinks you'll marry Severus."

"That's umm a little rude but ok I'm going to my classroom to fix it up."

"Y/n don't forget the students arrive tonight." I nodded and turned the corner...who the hell makes bets on students.

A Life at Hogwarts Part 2Where stories live. Discover now