Chapter 16: Ice & Water Combo

Start from the beginning

"I see... In the end, all depends on how fast we can find the laboratory before it's late" Cana said while rubbing her chin.

"Yeah... but to think that our enemy is an ancient demon from hundreds of years ago" Lisanna added while slightly scared. "I... I have a bad feeling about this"

"Lucy mentioned something about it" Levy added. "But listening it from the ex-master of Poison Fang himself confirms it"

"Hold on a sec!" Angelane intervened as she and Happy exalted in concern. "Speaking of my mom... Wh-where is she?! Have any of you seen her?!"

"Yeah, that's right!" Happy said. "Where are Natsu and Lucy?! We need to find them!"

"We will... Don't worry" I replied while clenching my fists. "But you gotta remember we have other friends who are still lost as well. Our best option for now would be to go in search of the hidden lab. After all, there's a high chance we'll end up finding more of our friends on the way... like Elfman and Laxus... And also..."




"...Gray and Juvia"


Gray POV

Jeez... I was starting to get tired of this ridiculous maze. Not only was it underground and totally dark in here, but some of the hallways were too wide while others were extremely narrow. What is more, I also had no idea of where the rest of my friends even were. And I say 'rest' cause there is one I did know her location... given that she was in fact embracing me tightly in her arms.

"Ah~ Gray-sama~ Please... stay by Juvia's side~" Juvia said as I felt the pressure of her breasts against my arm. "It's so dark here~ Let's get even closer to each other~"

"E-enough! Juvia!" I yelled back while blushing and struggling to breath. "This is not the time for your antics! We need to focus on the mission!" At that exact second however. both Juvia and I startled after listening to something or... SOMEONE... moving silently and stealthily all around us. Almost like the faint noise of a rat or an insect moving its little paws all around the floor. "D-did you hear that?"

"Y-yes... Gray-sama" Juvia replied in slight fear, after which she finally broke her embrace on my arm and stood back-to-back against me in an instant.

We both had heard the barely noticeable noise of a person walking somewhere in the dark, so there was no doubt that there really was someone stalking us. Someone who must've probably been following us for a very long while now. "Juvia... Be ready"


And so, after a very long time waiting in one sole spot, someone finally came out of its hiding spot and attacked us out of nowhere. Though not in the way that I thought it would be. The person who attacked us didn't come from the front line like I assumed he would do. Instead, he literally popped out of the ground beneath me... and landed a strong uppercut that sent me flying backwards quite a long distance.

"Gray-sama!" Juvia shouted as she quickly threw a barrage of water directly at our enemy. Then, she hurried to come look after me as I lied on the floor while rubbing my chin in pain. It seemed as if the attack ended up being a lot stronger than I thought it would be. "A-are you okay, Gray-sama?"

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