I can't call it home but maybe it was better. Much better than crying every night asking myself where it went wrong.

My relationship with them didn't changed. They only ask me things about work, or bother me about dating Woohyun.

We had a couple of family dinners together with Woohyun's family but it was always the same. Our parents pushing us to date and us, who's always declining the idea.

Not until that one dinner happened and Woohyun talked to me.

"You miss her?"

I looked at him. "You know the answer." He knew. He actually comforted me a lot.

"I know it's a ridiculous idea but can I suggest something?"


"What do you think of me?"

"You're a great friend. We have a lot of similarities."

He's a good guy. A good friend.

He helps me a lot at work and makes me comfortable during family dinners that I hate.

He knows about my relationship with Ryujin and didn't bother to judge me nor look at me in any disgusting way.

"Use me?" He asked. 

"What do you mean?" I asked back although I already understood what he meant.

"You know, we can go on dates."

"You're basically asking me to forget her."

"I'm not." He said in defense. "I'm asking you to move on."

"You know I can't do that."

"You can always try." He said. "Let me court you. I won't expect anything. I won't ask you to like me back either. If you decide to reject me, then okay. This courting thing will stay between us if you agree. We both know how our parents we'll react of they knew."

I kept quiet.

It's not as if it's a bad thing, right?

Who knows? Maybe I'm just waiting for nothing. Maybe I really need to move on.


Time flies and in three months, it'll be two years since I last saw Ryujin.

"Can you accompany me?" I asked Woohyun.

We're currently at the cafe at the first floor of our company and he's here with me to fetch me.

But we're not dating. I didn't reject him nor told him I like him.

I was about to reject him before after months when he confessed but he said that I should just let him be. Let him come with me, date me even though it's just friendly to me, until I already found someone. Or maybe even found the one I've been waiting for.

I insisted with the idea but he was persistent. So I just let him be.

He fetch me from work, eats with me, go to mall with me, but we only act how friends should act.

He knows his boundaries so I was thankful for him for that.


"I'm dropping by to my place before. I'll get some things there."

Woohyun took a sip from his drink before answering. "Okay. Let's go. You're done with work, right?"


We went to his car and drove to my old place.

Where Ryujin and I used to live together.

Basically, I still live there. I sleep there from time to time, sometimes hoping she'll come back but she didn't.

"I'll be back." I told Woohyun before going down the car after he parked.

"Should I go with you?" He was about to remove his seat belt but I gave him a 'no' signal.

"It's fine. I'll be fast. Just need to get some files." I said and waved my hands.

The feeling when entering the building was always the same ever since Ryujin left.

Quiet and lonely.

Thoughts about her will always come to my mind.

Is she doing fine?

Is she eating her meals properly?

Is she thinking about me?

Is she missing me the same way I miss her?

But, of course there's always no answer. They were all just questions. Thoughts.

No certain answers.

I was about to unlock the door when I noticed it was already open.

A thief?

Closing my eyes, I prepared myself to fight before slowly opening the door.

But then when I finally opened the door, my hands weakened.

It wasn't a thief.

It was a familiar back that I didn't see for years.

Even though the sun from the window had covered the person and the form remained as a silhouette, I recognized who it was. I'd know it even if I closed my eyes.

Until she turned around and looked at me, her eyes as surprised as mine.


She looked down, smiled sadly, and looked at me again before answering. "Yeji."

Can't Get Out | RyejiWhere stories live. Discover now