44. The Red line of Life

Start from the beginning

Haneul clenches his fist. "I'm going to get that necklace today so watch out, Naeun." The woman has a weird obsession with buying the items off of an auction, making her feel superior to other people.

"You wouldn't. You don't even have anyone to give it to."

"Says who? And it doesn't matter, I'm just doing it to spite you." The bluehead smiles and walks off, grabbing a tart from the waiter passing by him. He takes out his mobile phone and calls Yoon. "Hey, remember the photos you had of Jo Euntak, the CEO of GV Electronics."

"Yeah, I have them, what about it?"

"I think they might need a little leaking since Naeun pissed me off again."

Yoon laughs, the sound of his clapping hands being heard from the other end. "I thought you didn't want to jeopardize the mother of your child like that."

"Now I do." Haneul hangs up with a satisfied sigh.

The necklace that was sitting in the middle of the hall is now on the stage beside the announcer. "Greetings!" The man starts as he waves his hand to get the audience's attention. "We will now start the bidding of this gorgeous and unique diamond necklace. The starting bid is 1 million! Let me hear your price!"

"2 million!"

"3.5 million!"

"4!" The crowd silences after that so Haneul steps in.

"6 million!" He shouts as he eyes Naeun sideways.

"8 million!" Naeun raises her hand with a challenging glint in her eyes.

"11 million!"

"12," Haneul shrugs, already feeling happy about how the woman fell for his bait.

"16 million!"

The doctor goes mum, the announcers taking over when there's no more bidding. "Sold! The necklace is sold to the beautiful Shin Naeun for 16 million!"

Everyone cheers, raising a toast. The necklace is put on Naeun's bare neck, the jewelry glittering against her pale skin. She runs a hand over the smooth diamonds, her cherry lips stretched into a sweeping grin. She skips towards Haneul to show off the piece. "You'll never win against me, Haneul."

The doctor folds his hands over his chest with confidence. "I'm not sure about that. You paid fifteen million for a necklace worth four. Who's the real winner here, Naeun?"

The furious face the woman displays is nothing less than the bliss one feels when drinking water after a strenuous run.

The reporters crowd around the lady to record her win tonight when their mobile phones ping together. There's a collective gasp from the reporters and the first one speaks. "Ms. Shin, did you know your future husband has more than a professional relationship with his secretary?" The reporter asks as he shoves his recorder to her face.

"What, that's nonsense!"

"These pictures say otherwise." The next reporter informs showing the pictures of Euntak and his secretary in questionable intimacy that were leaked online just a few minutes ago. Shin Naeun blanches as she feels her world toppling over. The night she was supposed to be glorified is now plastered with shame.

Haneul's lips stretch widely but he is interrupted when he gets a call.

"Dr. Kim, your patient is awake!"

The doctor bolts out of the party, directly going to the hospital without making any stops. He parks his car in front of the main gate and runs in, sucking in a breath at the sight of medical staff checking the patient's vitals. Haneul's shoulders drop in relief as the boy who was unconscious for three days in a row after his surgery has his eyes wide open.

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