Mr. Kessler opens it up reading what it says quickly with a frown. "I'm not doing this." He sticks the piece of paper out the window for the young man to take it back.

"You agreed to the new terms sir?" The man questions with a raised brow.

"Yes....yes I did." Abram answers pulling the paper back through the window putting it back in the envelope away from Ivana's prying eyes.

"We will check in with you in a week Mr. Kessler have a good day sir." The young man says making his way back to his SUV. The three vehicles drive off quickly.

"What was that?" Ivana says with wide scared eyes."

"Ivana....I'm going to need you to do something for me honey, you've got to find a way to make up with Chace and get back into Braxton Holdings."

"What are you saying dad, Chace is the reason I was put in that jail cell I'm sure of it." Ivana responds.

"Honey, I need you to forget all of that, this is something much bigger. I could lose the company over this." Abram tries to appeal to her.

"Now you're scaring me. What is it? Just tell me?" Ivana says moving closer to her visibly upset father.

"Vana, that man that came to the car and those other men. They work for a Senator. The good news is I'm no longer being blackmailed. The bad news is it's because the Senator took care of it for me but now I owe him. Honey, he's extremely upset with Chace. He wants me to help him go after him to force Chace to keep those names secret. The police didn't know about me being blackmailed, they had to find it out from either the Cameron woman's sister or Chace. They know for sure this morning it was Chace that told them about me last night.

Ivana doesn't understand, Mr. Kessler signals his driver to take them to his house while he tells Ivana how he became entangled up in going to The Mansion and the things they have on him. Ivana hears from her father all about Monique and what she did. She learns about Kayla and that Rylie's sister was a fugitive suspect until tonight when they caught her. He explains that the list of client's names Monique took ended up in police custody when Kayla was murdered. They didn't get a complete client's list, there were two pages missing that contain high profile political figures. It's now known that Chace has those two pages in his possession. The Senator wants those names.

Ivana is upset that so much has gone on under her nose at Braxton Holdings she was unaware of. She asks her father how was he able to find out so much. He tells her most of the information was revealed to him by Richard. He fears Chace kept him from returning his calls last night. Ivana agrees asking her father to give her some time to come up with a plan.

It occurs to her that she went off and left Gavin at the hotel. She checks her phone finding there are a few text from him asking her where she's at. She decides to call him after she gets cleaned up and eats something thinking maybe he can be of some help to her and her father.

Chace wakes to the phone ringing, banging noises and loud voices. Rising up in the bed looking to each side of him he is alone. The ringing phone stops but the raised voices and loud noises continue. He gets out of bed goes to the bathroom to get cleaned up then puts on a pair of jeans and t-shirt. It's quiet as he goes down the stairs barefoot. The front door is open there's now a hallway table in the foyer and a moving truck sets in the driveway outside the door.

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