Sometimes, however, when that asshole part of Sirius was not around, the real Sirius dared to take a moment to think of his daughter. He had no idea where she might be, the thought haunting him that maybe Molly had really listened to his idiocy and sent the girl to an orphanage. It didn't sound like anything Molly would ever do, but Sirius couldn't think of anything other than negative at the moment. After spending almost two weeks alone in this dark cottage, his nerves couldn't stand it anymore. He had won and lost hundreds of battles in his own head, and he had finally decided that he would not be one of those assholes. At least he has to see her and know that everything is okay. Of course, he was able to rethink about two hundred times, trying to convince himself that it was not a good idea, but after hours of fighting with his own mind, he decided to run and not look back. He didn't even spend time grabbing his coat or leather jacket or even changing his dirty, pierced socks, dirty old T-shirt, or pants full of coffee stains, he'd been wearing for the past six days. He just rushed out of the house, running into the snowy world having on only his t-shirt, trench pants, and slippers.

When he arrived in Burrow and learned that his daughter was still with Molly, he felt inexplicable joy and relief, and when his eyes found a small baby sleeping on Molly's lap, he felt something indescribable. It wasn't the first time for Sirius to be near and hold children, he had a lot of experience with it, he had visited Andromeda a few times when his baby cousin Nym was born, he also played a big role in Harry's first year of life and few times he had been watching over his new double-baby-cousin, Teddy, and Teddy's new adopted cousin Ezra. This time it was different, it was a different feeling. It was as if something magical had just happened as if this little child, who was only a few weeks old, had enchanted Sirius with the strongest love spell possible. At that moment, without deciding for himself, he vowed never to make such a mistake again, he vowed to do anything to protect this fragile life that lay in his arms. He promised to protect and love his daughter.

The following days, Sirius visited Burrow every day, spending hours there. And no, he wasn't there to help Weasley's children to shovel the snow or to help Molly with the house, no, he was only there for Lena. The same little dark-haired baby he had wanted to leave behind. Lena was exactly as Sirius and Magda had dreamed, she looked so much like her dead mother that it hurt Sirius, but he swallowed all his pain, thinking only of Lena's happiness and the lovely smile-like grin she made every time she saw her father's smile and eyes full of tears. 

Even when Sirius did his best, he couldn't get rid of guilt, and he felt it everywhere, it attacked him every time someone from the Order looked at him, especially Molly. Sirius immediately realized that Molly did not trust him with Lena and he did not blame her. Molly had every right to be angry, but miraculously she wasn't, she was worried, but not angry, not for a moment. She tried to help Sirius, but she didn't trust him completely. But Sirius had stuck to his decision, and he was ready to do anything to regain the trust and one day take his little daughter home. But that day arrived faster than Sirius had expected. One morning when Sirius entered the Weasleys' house again, for the seventh morning in a row, Molly was waiting for him in the kitchen. She had a soft and tender smile on her face, she was not wearing her usual pink bathrobe, which she usually wore when it was only six in the morning, but she was dressed in her usual orange and dark green dress.

,,Morning, Sirius, "she greeted him.

,,Good morning, Molly, "Sirius replied, his eyes looking for where Molly had hidden his daughter, Lena was usually waiting for him in the kitchen sleeping inside a basket full of blankets, looking like a sleepy little angel, but today there was no basket on the kitchen table and Lena was nowhere to be seen," So...where is Lena?"

,,She's sleeping upstairs. I didn't want to risk waking her up, she needs all her energy today, or taking her home could be a big crying party, "Molly replied, her usual caring smile still on her aged face.

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