He only said. He placed his hand on my mine, pulling me closer to him. I inhaled and walked out to the car.

Phoebe, Mae, and Erica sat on my side, letting me know they had my full support. I silently thank them by nodding their way. Then, Anthony squeezed my hand. I smiled and let go, walking to my mother, who stood watching a man on the other side.

I walked in front of her, "Morning." I whispered. She snapped her eyes at me and smiled, "Good morning, baby." I turned and looked back at the m an who was sitting down, writing. "You know him?" I asked. Ma just shook her head, "Thought I did."

The judge was coming in, speaking on the situation beforehand. Then, Myles came walking in, too happy. He made eye contact with me before I moved. Then, his eyes shifted to the women behind me. His face fell. Checkmate, bitch.

Soon, his lawyer began talking, trying his best to weaken my situation. "I'm not saying Myles didn't hurt Y/N. I'm trying to say that the Y/L/N family has a way of manipulating other people words and favoring themselves. We've seen it first hand with her mother."

"Objection, your honor," My mama stood, "My previous court cases should not follow into this."

"Sustain," She mumbled, "Mr. Finch, please refrain from venturing back into the past." The rest of his statement went like that, throwing subtle jabs at my mother until he was through. Then, it was my turn to take the stand. Mama nodded to me, assuring to me that I got it.

"Can you tell us about the first time Myles attacked you?"

I nodded, "It was his birthday. Back in August. He came home drunk, and I didn't like that. So, I said that I was going to leave," I made eyes with Anthony. He was staring Myles down, "Then, he pulled me down and hit, forcing me to stay." I sighed. It's all coming out now. Mama face fell.

"How many times did you file police reports against him?"

"Once or twice. If he found out, he got worse." The questions kept coming, each other hitting harder until I could feel the slight judgement coming from the people. I knew what they was thinking: how could you just stay with him after he tried to kill you multiple times?

"One last question: The night he came to your home and demanded your child, why pull the gun?"

"Objection! She's leading her on!" The other lawyer, Banks, stood up. The judge looked his way, but my mom stepped in first, "Fine, I'll rephrase it." She swallowed. "Myles forcefully broke into your home and threatened to kill you. He broke furniture and hurt a visitor in your home. I'll ask again; why did you pull the gun?"

"Because it was either him or my son, and I wasn't about to let him take my son. If I had to draw a gun to protect him, then that's what I had to do. If he had to die there so Kai could live on, then so be it. He wasn't getting my son." I rolled my shoulders back and looked Myles in the eye. He couldn't even look at me, "I didn't enjoy pulling the trigger, but I would do it again if it meant saving my son's life."

Then, I was told to step down. The girl was next; Erica and Mae shared the stand. They told their first hand experience, showing evidence that my mom had displayed. Phoebe was last, and she had more evidence then any of us. I was proud of them all. We were gonna put him behind bars where he needed to be.

My mom sighed, "Your honor, I'd like to call one more person to the stand if it's possible."

She nodded, writing them down before clapping her hand under her chin. Mama said, "I'd like to Maria Thompson to the stand." Her eyes fell to me, and she looked away. It's been years since I've seen her. What is she doing her?

"Mrs. Thompson, will you please state to the room your relationship to Myles." The room fell silent, waiting for any answer. "I'm Myles' sister."

The rest of the examination went as followed:

"I knew about what Myles had done to the women before anyone else. They came to me, and asked me to help. I promised to, but Myles wasn't  listening. I went to the police, but they didn't help either, saying he was a good man. I wished I could have done more. I just left. I'm sorry, and if my word mean anything, I pray you put him away for life."

The judge couldn't hear anymore. She sighing, taking off her glasses and mumbling something under her breath. "In all my 36 years, I've never seen a case like this. A multiple offender, and a lawyer who wants to stand behind him. You're so worried about Ms. Y/L/N and destroying her career, that you fail at trying to build your own."

She swallowed and looked at Myles. The moment we've been waiting for, "It's 7 years minimum for each assault case. You have 4 cases against you. 28 years plus the charge of breaking and entering, 1st degree stalking, and carrying an illegal gun. I'm sentencing you to 37 years with no probation. That's 37 years to think about what you have done."

My heart leaped, and his fell to his feet. Someone let out a sigh of relief. I turned to my momma, who was nodding at me already. "I'm sure you've all been waiting to hear this: case dismissed."

I stood, hugging my momma immediately. She hugged back. Then, I felt like hands wrap around my leg. I looked down to see Kai, looking up at me. "You did good, baby." Anthony said, hugging me as well. I picked up Kai, and thanked him. Then, I turned to see Momma had left and went to talk to Banks. I wonder what's their history?

"Y/N," Myles called out to me, "You took my fucking kid away from me! We could have been good together!" Guard had to restrain him from crossing the floor. He was yelling to the top of his lungs, but I didn't falter. Neither did the other girls. We held our place, finally strong enough to face him.

"You hear me, bitch?!" He yelled, "One day, you're gonna be destroyed! Either through me, your fucking aunt, or your dad, but it' coming!" Finally, he was drugged from the courtroom. Me and my mom made eyes before she looked back at Banks.

I swallowed and turned to my people. Anthony quickly pulled Kai and I into another hug, "Don't worry, sweetheart. It's all over with."

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