Discovering Pain

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Hassan's POV:

I got into my seat, the excitement of moving with my friends coursing through my body and the idea of finally escaping the torment we have been facing made me feel relieved. I glanced out the window and watched the plane soar into the sky, the city I called home moving further away and the lights that twinkled through the night slowly fading into nothingness. I looked at my friends who were amazed by the first class seats I had reserved for us. "You didn't tell us you reserved first class seats." Tia whispered in shock. "There are bars on planes now?" Lou gasped quietly. "My cousin would've loved to see this, he was an alcoholic, but the nice kind." Tia joked. Lou and I tried containing our laughter, trying not to disturb the other passengers. We all put on some headphones and decided to relax for the end of the trip.

"Run away like you always do." I heard the earphones yell into my ear, "You can never face your problems, pathetic little bitch." it mocked again. I took off the earphones, started to hyperventilate. "Is everything alright?" asked a flight attendant. "Oh everything's fine," I replied, "just watching a horror movie." she smiled and nodded, "Would you like a drink?" she asked. "Just water." I smiled at the woman. She poured me a glass of water, Tia ordered vodka on the rocks, but her request was denied when the flight attendant asked for ID so she ordered some apple juice instead; and Lou ordered a glass of soda. We all smiled at each other and clinked our glasses. 'We are finally free.' I thought 'I want to be safe, but what about my family...' 'Hydra could go after my family...' 'Would they?' 'Should I have stayed?' thoughts raced through my mind. 'This was the right thing to do, they are safe, I am gone, Hydra would have no motive.' I thought, trying to reassure myself. 'It's ok, it's all ok.'

Lou's POV:

Watching Hassan and Tia drink their glasses until they were empty, I took a few gulps before my stomach started to feel like it was doing somersaults so I put it down. Sighing and placing my headphones back on before looking through the weird small tv they had that seemed to be built into the back of the chair in front of me I put on the first thing I found, some kind of animated show or something, I wasn't paying attention.

Now that all of us had gotten settled and there was nowhere to go for a few hours until we landed I had all the time in the world to think about the situation we find ourselves in. 'I don't think I'll ever be able to go back there again. Not with hydra there.' Closing my eyes and blocking out everything else 'but would I even want to?' Questioning my own feelings on this hectic day seems to be a pastime. 'Pretty much everything that kept me there and wanting to live there is gone. So why does it feel so wrong for me to admit I don't wanna go back?' I'm not sure what I was trying to accomplish by asking so many questions I knew I wasn't going to be able to answer, because I didn't have the resources to figure them out. I was brought out of my thoughts by a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and was greeted by the same flight attendant from before that had given us drinks, I pulled off my headphones. "You were gripping the armrest of your seat." She explained "oh I'm sorry about that." I looked down, embarrassed "nervous flier?" She asked with compassion, to which I simply nodded "would you like any kind of snack I have on this cart?" She gestured to the table with wheels that she was moving through the aisle. I studied the array of munchies before coming to a conclusion "I'll take some of the pretzels." She gave me a small bag with a polite nod before continuing onto the rest of first class.

Tia's POV:

I tried falling asleep, but to no avail, my mind raced with thoughts. I felt relieved that we left, but I couldn't shake the feeling that we still weren't safe, like there was someone following us. 'Look on the brightside' I told myself, 'I made it out alive and so did Hassan and Lou.' "But Alex didn't." the voices in my head started coming back, to torment me. "Stop." I whispered in an attempt to keep them away. "You left Alex and ran away like the pussy you are." the voice continued. I turned up the volume of the music I was listening to drown out the sound of the person in my head, it seemed to work. I could hear it, faintly, the sound of music overpowered it and I closed my eyes, relieved that it worked. 'Note to self, always have headphones on you.' I thought with a victorious smile on my face as the song's beat drop played. This was my favorite song. Lou, Hassan and I used to listen to it by the pool, singing at the top of our lungs. "So I just stay numb and carry on, too young to hate someone, truth is it was never love , your fault if you thought it was". And with that, the song ended. The next song in my playlist was about to start playing when I suddenly felt this excruciating pain coursing through my veins, hurting so bad to the point where I got dizzy and couldn't see properly. Then suddenly, darkness.

Hassan's POV:

I was watching a movie to distract myself from the thoughts that were invading my head. Everything seemed fine until I noticed Tia's head fell forward and she seemed to go limp. "Shit sticks..." I whispered to myself. "Tia? Tia? This is no time to die." I tried waking her up. "Fuck is she dead?" I whisper again. I place my fingers on her neck, 'Thank God she still has a pulse.' I thought, but how do I wake her up?' I looked around and noticed that her cup had a couple of sips worth of apple juice still left, grabbing the glass I gently poured the liquid on her face. Her eyes burst open, she seemed distorted at first, before a pained scream escaped her lips. I placed my hands on her mouth instantly trying to muffle her cries. She grabbed her right arm, seemingly in pain. She hurriedly unbuckled her seat belt and ran to the bathroom. 'What just happened?' I thought, extremely confused.

Tia's POV:

I ran into the bathroom. The pain in my body is getting worse. My hands seemed to hurt the most. I locked the door behind me and looked in the mirror, my hair began to float, as if I was under water. "Fuck what is happening." Lilac and dark purple wisps began to float around me, my eyes began to glow a dark violet. Long sharp black lines floated around me and my fingertips began to glow; another sudden wave of pain came over me and I started to scream, the glowing purple that surrounded me started to rapidly strike and enter my body, the pain increased to an unbearable level, I could feel the plane begin to shake under my feet, before I began levitating. The world began to go dark, when the pain was suddenly gone and so were the wisps and lines. I began hyperventilating trying to process what had just happened. I try composing myself and carrying on so my friends don't grow suspicious. I walk out of the bathroom and sit in my seat. "What the fuck was that?" Hassan asked. "Oh I just had a really bad cramp, that's all." I said with the most convincing fake smile I had ever done. "You sure? You looked like you were in a lot of pain." I nodded. "Ok, whatever you say..." he said. I could tell he didn't believe me, but decided not to pry. I wanted to know what happened. 'What in the world did I do to deserve such a pain in my heart?' I thought as I closed my eyes, deciding to sleep the rest of the flight.

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⏰ Huling update: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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