Oh Shit! A Rat!

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Lou's POV:

"Oh god!" Nana exclaimed as I explained to her where I've been all day. "Is she stable now?" She asked, concerned, to which I nodded. Barely still awake after the excruciatingly long day I've had and all of the traumatic events in a row "which I conveniently left out of the explanation" I kept to myself. "I'm gonna go pass out now, don't die, that'd suck." I said half jokingly. Nana didn't seem to think it was funny but let me walk away without saying anything, figuring I'd had enough to deal with today that she'd let it go.

I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep or why I'd woken up but figuring by the soft glow cascading through my window I'd assume it's still very early, probably about 5 AM. I trudged out of my room through the small crack I had left open in my stupor last night and got to the kitchen for breakfast. Finally wiping the sleep from my eyes I realized something "why the hell am I so small?" Standing next to a chair that normally I'd be quite a bit taller than now seemed to tower over me. "What in the honey I shrunk the kids bullshit is this tomfoolery?" Before I could continue my search for what the hell took my height I heard a scream come from a few feet behind me.

"A GIANT RAT!" Wait, Nana? How would I not have noticed a rat? Maybe it's in the living room or something. "Nana it's 5 in the morning you're gonna wake the neighbors up." I whined, covering my ears at the loud screeching. She didn't respond to me and when I was about to question her I felt a sudden whack throw me down onto the floor. Looking back I saw my grandmother holding her cane about to swing it down on me again "WHAT THE HELL NANA?!" Scrambling away I raced to the door trying to open it and get the hell away from her seeing as how she'd clearly lost her mind, still screaming bloody murder. 

Shockingly she stopped her sudden murder attempt and opened the door for me, I took the clear invitation to avoid meeting the grim reaper I ran as fast as I could off the lawn and down the street until the adrenaline passed through me and I couldn't breathe. Stopping in an alleyway and hiding behind a dumpster I felt the sweet embrace of sleep tugging me back, something I was much more willing to come to than death's cold hands. I let myself fall asleep, probably covered in garbage and gross fluids and not caring.

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