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Tia's Pov

Alex and I were on our way home from our, to say the least, eventful day with my friends. "Is Hassan okay?" he asked. "Yeah I'm sure he'll be fine, the paramedics said he was stable". Truth be told, I wasn't trying to convince my traumatized boyfriend, but more so myself.

When we were a few blocks away from the apartement, we walked past that weird building again. And once more I heard those strange noises that sounded like...static and..screams? Again, a purple light flashed in the corner of my eye through the window of the building. But this time it was much more prominent than it had been before. Alex and I were about to continue our walk when suddenly, a deafening noise followed by an excruciating blast of heat and shards of glass suddenly happened.

People could be heard screaming and running away in fear and agony. I then realized that I was literally caught in the middle of a fucking explosion, and all I could think about was wether Alex was okay or not, it was like everything was moving in slow motion, and the pain was unbareable, not only the excruciating heat and fire, but the shards of glass slowly cutting my skin, and what felt like every single cell in my body being torn apart and having foreign matter injected into it, over and over again.

I look over to my right and see Alex screaming in pain while his whole body is being cut and burnt. He looked at me while tears fell onto his burned and cut face, and I knew instantly, that would be the last time we saw each other. After being thrown into a nearby wall from the energy of the explosion, i felt my body start to lose consciousness, but the only thing i could think about, other than my ears ringing in my head and the excruciating burns on my skin, was how Alex, was probably dead, and i might be dead soon too.

I woke up to the sound of beeping machines and bright lights impaling my sensitive eyes. I felt wires around me and needles in my skin, I then realized that I was in a hospital bed. Slowly waking up and adjusting to the brightness of the room, I saw Lou and Hassan standing by the edge of the bed, seeming infinitely worried. "Hey Tia, are you okay? How're you feeling?" Lou questioned me with a worried tone "Well considering I'm in the fucking hospital, not so good" I said weakly. "Well at least you're safe." Hassan said with a sympathetic look. "Can we turn the damn light down?" I said annoyed, trying to shield my eyes that were much more sensitive than usual for some reason. "Sure... I guess." responded Hassan. "Where's Alex?" I asked, being concerned especially after watching him scream and burn in front of me just moments ago. Hassan and Lou gave each other a knowing look and stayed silent, and in that moment I knew that exactly what I dreaded happening, happened.

"Don't fucking do that, is he dead or not?" I questioned, being more persistent this time. "We're so sorry Tia." Lou said sadly. I just sat there, speechless as the tears rolled down my face. Hassan then looked at my arms and said, "How come you don't have any burns or cuts? The explosion was all over the news, it destroyed everything within a 2 mile radius" Hassan informed me "I- I don't know" Can you call in a nurse? I'm thirsty." "Yeah, sure." Lou said softly. After about a minute or so a nurse came in with a small cup of water and a file. "What's in the file?" I questioned. "They're your test results." She answered with a small smile. "I'll read them to you." She told me. "Okay" I replied.

As she scanned through my file, a look of confusion appeared on her face, one that was concerning me and my friends. "What's going on?" I questioned. "Your results, they're completely clean. No broken bones, no burns, no signs of any permanent damage, just some minor bruises and cuts" She said with a shocked tone. I looked at Lou and Hassan, who were just as baffled as I was.

The nurse exited the room and left the three of us in the room alone. "How the hell do you have a clear file?" Hassan exclaimed more in shock than awe. "I really don't know." I responded suddenly feeling weaker than before. "Shouldn't I have at least a concussion? Alex fucking died and I was just as close to the explosion as he was." I think out loud. "Well looking at past events you are either a superhuman, you have evolved to withstand nuclear bombs or you are just one lucky son of a bitch." Hassan said, trying to convince himself more than me, I look at Lou realizing she's been silent for a while now. "Lou? Lou?" I say trying to grab her attention and snap her out of her trance. There was something different about her eyes but I couldn't put my finger on it. Suddenly as if she snapped out of her trance she said, "I didn't wanna say this and make you feel worse but you look fucking insane."

"What the fuck do you mean?" I said, worried. "Dude, your eyes are like, purple" Hassan added on "What in the fuck? Someone hand me their phone so I can see!" I exclaimed anxiously. Hassan handed me his phone and opened the camera app. As I looked at myself on the screen, I realized that my eyes were in fact black and purple. "Holy shit, what the hell is this?" I screeched.

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