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Tia's POV:

I woke up in the hospital, once again. Sweat dripped onto my forehead and the irritating sound of beeps coming from the life support machine that I was hooked onto echoed in my ear. I attempted to look to the side but a sharp pain went through my neck, I groaned in response. I heard the door knob of my room rattle and I instantly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep as a nurse walked into the room and started pushing my bed out of the room. She said something into an- earpiece. "I've got her, prepare the truck." she continued strutting through the halls casually. "WE'VE GOT A MISSING PATIENT!" screamed a different nurse on the intercom. Instantly I thought "missing patient? I thought I was with a nurse?!"

Suddenly I felt the cold breeze of the outside weather hit my damp skin. Wondering why I was outside I opened my eyes briefly only to see a bunch of buff guys dressed in all black standing around a creepy black van. "What. The. Fuck." I thought to myself. "Dude, am I being kidnapped right now? Of all the times, it had to be right fucking now didn't it." I was suddenly and roughly thrown into the van. Then they instantly started driving at full speed.

After about 10-ish minutes of driving, we came to a sudden stop, and I was carried out of the truck. I tried opening my eyes but it was met with a bright light that felt like my eyes were being swarmed by a hive of angry bees. I tried with all my might not to flinch at the sudden overwhelming sensation. I opened my eyes slightly only allowing a slit to form as a sliver of light to enter my eyes. I waited for my vision to adjust, and when it did I saw a gray metallic ceiling decorated with fluorescent lights.

My kidnappers wheeled me into a room that slightly resembled my hospital room, only more... advanced. The lady who brought me here and kidnapped me took off her disguise and revealed long green hair and a green outfit that matches it perfectly. She walked up to me and restrained my hands and feet to the table-like bed. She grabbed some surgical equipment and walked in my direction. The lady in green grabbed a scalpel as she continued walking towards me. What in the Wattpad I thought trying to keep myself together. I closed my eyes as naturally as I could, not wanting to alert this mysterious woman to me being awake. How the hell am I going to stop myself from reacting to the pain of the incision that is yet to come? I started to panic mentally. My internal monologue was quickly interrupted by the searing pain of the first incision as the scalpel cut through my skin.

I jolted upwards taking a large gasp of air before screaming my lungs out, muffling the sound off the scalpel as it hit the ground. The first time being able to get a proper look at the woman and her expression read as bored and unamused "Oh you're awake." She stated with a nonchalant tone before bending over to pick up the tool she dropped. "Well I'm sorry," she said sarcastically "but I have to cut you open, conscious or not." she continued, pouting her bottom lip exaggeratedly .

 "I choose the unconscious option." I responded with a similar sarcastic tone trying to mock the lady and keep my cool. "So be it." she retaliated, sounding very much annoyed and already bored of our short yet eventful conversation. She grabbed a large pan-like object and whacked me on the head with it. "I don't want to use any drugs that might interfere with the changes going on in your body." she said as a sinister smile spread on her face, losing consciousness slowly I closed my eyes.

P.S. whenever Tia starts to wake up, she gets hit with a pan on the head again.

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