The Delivery

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Lou's POV

"We got an order for a delivery!" I heard my supervisor shout from further back into the building, I walked in the direction of them as they handed me a piece of paper "The address is in a pretty remote area, make sure to keep your location on and call after you deliver the order so we know you're fine." She explained with a serious look on her face, to which I simply nodded while reading the order and address

Three large cheese pizzas with...bones?

And that address... that's on the other side of town? And isn't that in the fucking forest??

"If I roll an ankle on a tree root that better be covered in the insurance" I groaned and went to collect the pizzas being cooked "as long as you don't do it on purpose" she laughed back.

After almost a goddamn hour of driving to the destination the stench of this stupid pizza was starting to get to me. I was only about halfway into the woods of the address but the roots and trees were getting too dense to continue on the car, leaving me no choice but to grab the barely still warm pizzas and walk the rest of the way. At Least there was a small hiking path so I didn't trip to add on to this horrible day. Letting out a sigh of relief upon finally seeing the cabin come into view I picked up the pace. The relief was short lived as I saw a note taped to the door

 The relief was short lived as I saw a note taped to the door

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"That's sketchy as shit, I'm leaving." I said absolutely not having it, turning around with pizza boxes still in hand, I tried to fish out my phone from my pocket but as I was doing that I heard something, I couldn't quite make it out until I turned back around. When I finally heard it my stomach curdled "HELP, PLEASE." I heard seemingly from inside the house. I knew it wasn't possible but it sounded almost impossibly like my grandmother.

I decided I'd rather risk it and die than it be real and leave them there. Opening the door as quickly as I could and throwing the pizza down not caring about that, I ran through the rooms trying to find any sign of who was crying for help. It seemed like I was losing my mind and truly no one was there until I opened what I could only assume was the master bedroom, despite the sun still being out however minimally, the room was pitch black.

I was already regretting my decision to be the hero and turned to run out, only to see no door in sight "what the fuck?!" Panicking at this point, I desperately tried to feel around "there's no way it just disappeared, it probably just closed and I can't see in the dark room!" Still frantically searching the room seemed to almost become colder around me and my blood ran even colder as I heard whispers I couldn't pin the location of "Louuu~ you need to come further~ find meee~" "what are you? I need to leave." I said as authoritatively as I could, not able to hold back my trembling, both from fear and from the freezing temperature.

"You'll leave when I let you, now find me if you want your grandmother to be left in one piece~" the whisper seemed to try to sound sweet but ended in a hiss. That threat got me to continue forward. The room didn't even seem to be a room anymore, seemingly going on for miles. "How am I supposed to find you when I can't even see where I'm going?!" I got no verbal response but further down I saw the faintest of glows.

By the time I had gotten to the now blinding bright light I felt barely awake, a strange haze over my brain. "Touch it" the whisper returned "Touch it and it will all be over, you'll be free to go home." Even with the strange haze I didn't touch it, terrified of what would happen.

"Isn't that what you want?" The voice continued to speak in its sickly sweet tone at my clear hesitance "to go back home to your grandmother? You want to see her don't you? Touch it for her~" it urged, and the haze thickened as I reached out. The second I touched the light orb I felt a searing pain run up my arm and through my body, almost like what I would imagine being struck by lightning feels like. I scream and crumple to the floor "HELP, PLEASE" I pleaded, to who, I wasn't sure. Maybe it was to the mysterious voice or maybe it was for anyone who might be nearby. My friends, my family, anyone.

No one answered as the world faded away leaving me in the dark again.

Thnx Lou for writing such an amazing chapter. To honor u I will reveal the second title of this chapter, Hom <3

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