Farewell Los Angeles

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Hassan's POV:

"You can stay in our New York apartment." my mom said as she handed me the keys. "Don't get into any trouble." my father smiled as he hugged me. "Oh I'm going to miss you so much." my mother said cupping my cheeks with her hands. "I'll be alright" I said, giving them a small smile. As I started walking to the front door, my mom called out and said "We'll come visit you some time!" I just turned and gave her a quick smile, hoping that when they decide to visit, we'll have everything sorted out. As I walked out the door, I saw Lou and Tia standing beside the car, clearly eager to go. "Come onnnnn let's gooooo" Tia shouted impatiently. "Alright alright I'm coming" I said laughing.

As the car started moving, I glanced back one last time and the house I love so much. Reliving all the countless and irreplaceable memories that were made here. Like Tia getting blackout drunk and Lou and I having to carry her to one of the guest rooms because she couldn't manage to do so; or when Tia tried doing a flame trick and almost burnt the entire house down. Tia was always the crazy outgoing one. Lou had always encouraged her, like the funny little devil she is. I would always try to talk sense into my maniacal friends, but I would somehow end up joining them or laughing at their antics.

Leaving Los Angeles was hard, but we knew it had to be done. We all needed a fresh new start, and moving across the country is no easy feat, but it was what felt right. We were lucky that my parents provided us with a place to stay and some money, or we'd probably be living on the streets for a while. I smiled as I remembered all the things we did together, all the times we laughed, we cried and we nearly ended up getting ourselves killed.

The city zoomed past us , creating a light show. We zipped past all of the places we used to go to together, all the cafes and pizza shops. I sighed sadly, knowing we might never be able to return again. Soon enough, we were at the airport, taking our bags out of the car, the sounds of people talking, bags being dragged around the airport and the lady speaking through the PA system overwhelmed my senses. Bags in hand, we entered the airport, the security was grueling to say the least.

When we passed through security we decided to grab a drink since we still had 2 hours before it was time to board the plane. We headed to a Starbucks and ordered some drinks. "I can't believe you're 18 and you still refuse to drink caffeine." Tia mocked me. "I just don't like the way it tastes." I shrugged, raising my hands in the air. Lou laughed. "Coffee is bean soup." I blurted starring Tia dead in the eyes, making her choke on her iced coffee. "Wh-" Tia tried comprehending what I just said, visibly confused. "What- what the fuck?" she said looking at her drink. Lou's laughter increased in volume. "It is what it is." I said, trying to hold in my own.

*On the PA system*

"All passengers on flight P-46 from Los Angeles to New York City, please board the airplane."

And with that, we got on the plane, ready to start our new lives. 

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