The Crystal

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Hassan's POV

I woke up with the absolute worst headache I have ever experienced in my life. I got up slowly, my heart pounding in my chest as I dusted myself off and looked around for my backpack and flashlight. The flashlight had stopped working, what luck. I slammed it against my hand repeatedly hoping it would work. "Come on, come on, come on, work! PLEASE WORK! Well fuck" I exclaimed frustratedly. Turning around looking at the large wall that stood behind me. "LOU?! TIA?!" I shout, receiving a long silence in response.

I threw my arms angrily pacing around the hole I'm in. Suddenly, I see something run through the corner of my eyes, something shiny. I follow it, obviously, me being curious. "This is how all of the characters die in the horror movies." I mumble to myself as I continue walking in the general direction of the... thing that I saw. "I hope I don't fall again this time." I think to myself.

Surprisingly, I tripped over a pebble, fun. Looking up at my surroundings I see a dim light coming from a different part of the cave. Getting up with whatever dignity I have left, I walk towards the light. What awaited me was a beautiful sight, a large room filled with clear water and a small rock island in the center of the pool of water. The room smelled like vanilla for some reason. On the island was a singular, indigo, glowing crystal. I felt the sudden urge to touch it, like it was calling to me.

I step into the ankle deep body of water and walk towards the precious. Reaching out to it, the crystal flies towards my hand and enters it. I feel excruciating pain as I levitate and start to glow; a couple seconds later I fall back onto the ground and lose consciousness.

Once again, I woke up in the cave. I don't remember what had happened in the past 15 minutes or so but I found myself in a hole with my backpack on the other side of the pit I layed in; a sharp pain coursed through my hand I checked it, nothing was there. "It's probably because of the fall." I think to myself.

"Hey kid!" a man yells from above me. "We're here to get you out of this hole." he said. "He's kinda cute though." I mentally talk to myself. He throws down a rope and I hold on tight as he pulls me upwards, as soon as I get out of the pit that consumed me I see Tia and Lou who were comforting each other.

They see me and instantly run towards me and hug me. "Watch out for you two." The smexy fireman said. "Oh no I hope I don't fall." I blurted out as we walked out of the cave together. "So where's Alex?" I asked Tia. "He's outside, probably traumatized by what just took place. He's pretty jumpy as is." she responded.

Walking out of the cave I took a deep breath taking in the fresh air.; as the air went into my lungs, I felt some sort of power surge through my body, and my vision for a second, turned purple.

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