Hurt, Lost and On The Run

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TW: There will be mentions of murder, abuse, self harm, depression/mental illness and suicidal thoughts in this chapter. If you feel uncomfortable please skip the part that talks about this topic or skip the entire chapter if it makes you feel better. Eitherway, we hope you enjoy this chapter.

Lou's POV:

Hassan texted me, I could practically hear him ranting through the screen, I told him I was safe and grabbed my food. I walked home slowly, taking in deep breaths, enjoying the fact that I was not being kidnapped by Hydra, that I was not mutating into a fucking marsupial and that I wasn't infiltrating a Hydra base at one in the fucking morning. I felt relieved, but my brain was still on high alert. It seems that some spontaneous shit seemed to be attracted to my friends and I; at least grandma is safe, I thought smiling. I had bought breakfast for the two of us to surprise her, she must have been super worried about me the past couple of days.

I arrive at my front door and unlock it, shutting it as I walk in, "Grandma! You won't believe the week I've had." I didn't get a response. I looked up and noticed that all the lights were off. "Grandma?" I say again my brain quickly begins thinking of the worst possible situation. I place the food on the table by the door and walk to our small living room, to see a horrific sight. My grandma was on her arm chair, surrounded by Hydra agents and a gun pointed at her head. "Ah Lou how nice of you to finally join us." the agent with the gun spoke. "Have a seat." he said, signaling at a chair. I simply shook my head, fear drawn all over my face. "How about I strike you a deal," the man continued, "you tell us where Natalia is and we might spare her." he pointed at my grandma with his free hand. My voice stuttered as I tried to respond, "P-please don't hurt her." my voice was strained as tears streamed down my face. He frowned, "Wrong answer," he said. The silenced sound of a shot rang in my ears and my sweet crying grandma laid limp and lifeless in her arm chair. "Get her." he signaled his men, having no time to mourn, or even cry. I ran towards my front door, slamming it behind me trying to buy myself some time. I continued sprinting as salty tears fell onto my cheeks, towards the nearby forest.

The Hydra agents burst through my door, but I was already in the forest and not visible. I could hear them yell. "She couldn't have gone far!" one of them yelled "Look for her!" the other ordered. I was running blindly, having been in these woods but overcome with so much panic and fear that everything I knew seemed to slip away, just simply trying to run as far as I could and escape. I felt the worst sharp pain throughout my whole body, even worse than when I first got my powers and felt like I was struck by lightning, my stance quickly growing shorter. 'I guess stress can make me shift too' was the only thought that seemed to make any sense 'really painfully.' Now sprinting on all fours with tears streaming down my face, matting up the short fur I now had, I never stopped until the trees seemed to thin and I was now in a neighboring city. I quickly hid in a dark alleyway, climbing into an empty trashcan that smelled of decay before finally collapsing. As I sat there catching my breath my mind finally had started to catch up to what had happened "Nana's dead." I whispered to myself before grabbing at my ears and pulling, trying desperately to not break down while hiccuping sobs tore through me 'taken from me right in front of my eyes.' At this point I realized that I couldn't stop my deafening sobs so I opted to pressing my hands to my mouth to muffle them. 'I thought that hooded guy said I had a gift, I thought I was strong, and yet I couldn't even save the one family I had left.' Sincerely hoping that hydra wouldn't think to look in the city, the world started to fade away as my body gave out from my emotional breakdown and the marathon I had done earlier.

Hassan's POV:

I entered Lou's room, when I noticed something sparkle as I walked by, it was her favorite hairpin, her grandmother gave it to her as a birthday gift last year, it's kind of weird that she would forget it. Picking it up, I walked downstairs where Tia was waiting for me. "Hi." She said, "Hi, how are you feeling today?" I responded. "Much better, thanks for asking. I can't thank you and Lou enough for saving me," she smiled "where's Lou?" she questioned me. "Waffle House." I replied simply, as I led Tia to the dining room where everybody was waiting for us and breakfast.

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