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Kim Minju's POV

I'm quietly sipping my iced coffee here at the side, together with Yeji, as we watched the scene in front of us. And by "scene," I mean the current fight happening between my cousin and Yeji's girlfriend. 

Hyunjin has been in a bad mood since early this morning, and Ryujin happened to accidentally pour her drink on Hyunjin's reviewer. 

During the fight, there's Hwihyeol, who's trying to save the other pages of the reviewer. 

It's lunch time and they're making a scene in the cafeteria, which I don't mind anymore. I'm used to it by now. Try being Hyunjin's cousin for a day and you'll understand my situation. 

I know why Hyunjin is acting like this. Choi Jisu is back and is currently sharing a table with us, and she can't seem to keep her hands to herself and keeps on clinging to Heejin. 

Who is Choi Jisu, you ask? She's our old friend. She used to like Hwihyeol. That's why she and Hyunjin are not on good terms. After Hwihyeol, she started to like Heejin. From what I know, they went on a couple of dates, but I guess they didn't hit it off. We didn't really hear anything from her when she transferred schools, and now she has suddenly appeared like a mushroom. 

"You two are so loud," Jisu abruptly said, causing Ryujin to stop speaking.

"Then leave. No one asked you to be here with us anyway." Hyunjin spoke, making all of us look at the two back to back. 

Their eye contact is so intense. Hyunjin doesn't seem like she's planning on backing out anytime soon. She kept her poker face on, and so did Jisu. 

"Hyunjin," Heejin held Hyun's hand. Jisu's eyes followed Heejin's hand, breaking her eye contact with Hyunjin. 

My cousin then gave her a smug smile once their eyes met again, before focusing on Heejin. 
It became quiet after that. That was boring. I thought it'd be an hour-long argument like they always had back then. What a shame. 

I put my cup down and kept on watching. Though it was just Heejin feeding Hyunjin while Jisu was stealing glances at them. My eyes searched for Hwihyeol, who was talking with Gaeul with a wide smile on her face. 

Honestly, I was more into Hwihyeol's side back then. I've always known that Heejin also liked her and have been telling my cousin about it, but she didn't believe me. Going back, Hwihyeol is more of a good girl, and she's good at everything. She's good at comforting Hyunjin, taking care of Hyunjin, loving Hyunjin, and so many more. She showed her loyalty, and she was so consistent. 

It was just my cousin who was too dumb to realize that she actually liked the other Jeon. Though I know that at some point, they loved each other. The love just faded away. 

"Min, let's go now." I looked at Hyunjin. 

"To where?" I asked, and then I realized that Heejin was talking to Jisu again. 

I didn't bother to wait for her reply and quickly gathered my things. I got up and kissed Chae's cheek before going with Hyunjin. 

We walked in silence, and I just followed her to where she was going. I guess we're going to the rooftop. We climbed up to the fifth floor until we reached the rooftop. 

We sat on the concrete, her back against the wall. I sat beside her and she let out a sigh. 

"Are you alright?" I asked even though I know she's not. 

"No," she said, I moved closer to her and made her rest her head on my shoulder. 

"What did aunt and uncle said?" I asked her. It was about our family problems. 

"They haven't said anything." she said, and I held her hand. 

"Stay with us, Hyun. You can always move to our house, you know?" I said. 

"I can't." she said, making me look at her. 


"Heejin's parents changed all the locks in their house, so she's staying with me for a while, " she said, and I hummed. 

The world is so cruel. So unfair. 

"Everything is just tiring me up." she let out another sigh. 

"Want to skip the afternoon classes?" I asked her.

She quickly removed her head from my shoulder to look at me. 

"Are you serious?" she asked, and I chuckled. 

"Yeah. We're going to graduate anyway, " I said.  She smiled, meaning she agreed with me, and we decided to disappear for a moment. 


Shin Ryujin's POV

"Bro, did she answer your call?" Chaewon asked me, and I shook my head. 

"Still unavailable," I said, and again dialed Minju's number. 

The two Kims have been missing since lunch time. They skipped afternoon classes, which is not very usual for them. We've been calling them, but they're both unavailable. 

I heard a whine from Jisu, and can I be honest? I'm getting irritated with her. She was not this bad when she left. Even Yeji is getting tired of her. 

"Jisu, can you please stop?" Heejin finally spoke up. Jisu then stopped. Thank God. 

Thinking about her history, our circle's history, I can't be friends with her. Not after what she did. What I did earlier this morning was enough. I can't take it further. 

"They'll be back later," Jimin said, her hand still not leaving Minjeong's. Her hands and eyes had been glued to her girlfriend since this morning, and I completely understand. 

"Trust me." she added. 

The two, namely Heejin and Chaewon, stared at Jimin until they decided to sit down. 

"Just wait for them to show up. Maybe they needed to go home because... " Jimin gave us a knowing look. Right. They're currently facing a family problem. 

"Minjeong and I will go now," she said, and made Minjeong stand up. 

"Are you threatened, Yu?" 

Can someone shut Jisu up? If no one does, I'll be the one to shove a sock in her mouth so she can't speak. 

"Me?" Jimin gave her a sharp look. 

Shit's about to go down. 

"Rina, let's just go," Minjeong said. 

Jisu let out a chuckle and displayed an annoying smile on her face. 

"Yuji," Yeji went in quickly to stop Jimin when she was about to go to Jisu. 

"I've had enough of her bullshits, Yeji."Jimin said, through gritted teeth. 

"I know, but please, not here. We're still in school and you're the vice president of the student council. You'll get in trouble for sure," Yeji said softly. 

"Let's just go" Heejin stood up, attempting to leave when Jisu grabbed her hand.

"You're going to leave me here?" 

"Yes, and do me a favor, Jisu. Stop messing us up." Heejin said in a dead serious voice. 

"Let's go. She's not worth our time," Chaewon said, and I followed behind them. 

Jisu shouldn't really get Yuji mad. She let her off the hook back then, and I'm sure she won't be doing that again if she messes us up again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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