544 31 40

TW: mention of blood, suicide, abuse, etc.

Jeon Hwihyeol's POV

I closed the door to my room and my heart almost popped out of my chest. There's a person sitting on my bed. What the heck?

"I thought you were having a movie night with your friends?" she said, peeling her eyes off her phone. 

I only smiled at her.

Our plan on going clubbing was postponed due to Hyunjin's parents' sudden arrival, and we just decided to have a movie night in their house, but I felt so tired even though I didn't do too many things. That's why I went home early. 

I gave her a phone call and she's here. She's my one-call-away person. 

"You need some hugs, One?" she asked. I nodded my head slowly. 

"C'mere" she said, opening her arms as she stood up from my bed. 

I walked towards her and she engulfed me with a warm hug. Her hand was rubbing my back gently as I hugged her back. 

"I know you're tired, Hyeol," she said. She knows me too well. 

She broke off our hug, grabbing my hands gently. She rolled up the sleeves of my sweater, and she let out a sigh of relief. 

"It's clean. Thank God," 

I chuckled lowly. 

"I promised, right?" I promised her that I wouldn't hurt myself anymore. 

"Thank you for keeping that promise," she said, smiling at me. 

"Thank you for coming over," I said. I really mean it. 

"You know, I'll always make time for you. Just... just don't do it again, alright? If ever something goes wrong, call me. I'll be there at the speed of light. I don't want to see you bleeding again." 

I cracked a smile. I'm so grateful to her. 

"Why are you smiling like that?" she chuckled. "Anyway, what happened? Tell me, I'm all ears, One. " 

I told her the whole story about what happened to Hyunjin and I on our date yesterday. 

"Will you be okay?" she asked worriedly. 

"I don't know," I said. 

"Why do I feel like she likes Heejin more?" I added. Hyunjin's smiles are different when it's Heejin in front of her. 

"Don't lose hope already, Hyeol. There's still a big chance that she likes you more," she said. 

I don't think so, Gyal. 

"We're going to Jeju after our graduation. You want to come along? It'll be fun if you do." I changed the subject. 

"If my mom allows me," 

"I'll talk to her," I said. 

"Really? You will?" she asked me. 

"Yeah, I'll even pay for your transportation and everything, just come with us."

"Hey, you already said that, no taking it back, one,"

I chuckled, "Of course, I won't take it back, and Heejin will be delighted if you come along, Gyal Gyal."
"Tell me, you're afraid of going to your parents' house, right?" her face turned serious when she asked that question. 

"Yes," I replied truthfully.

"I hate your parents so much," she groaned. 

She looks more stressed than I do. 

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