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Manipulation/Gaslighting/Guilt-tripping? I think? Also Self-harm. If you're not in a good headspace then don't read this. Close out of the chapter and wait a few days. Please do not use this book to trigger yourself. I didn't want to make a graphic sh scene for obvious reasons



Tommy woke up with a gasp, 'What the fuck just happened?!' He takes both hands and grips his hair, trying to think of an explanation as to why this keeps happening, 'Okay... I didn't start having this dream until I came here... But why is that? I mean, why now of all times? Maybe it's trying to show me or tell me something? I don't know...' He tried to think more and more of what could be the cause of this, but his mind was blank.

He sits up and looks around the room, noticing that it's light outside, 'What time is it?' Tommy gest out of bed with weak legs and made his way over to where he left his phone. He turns it on and checks the date and time, 'Shit, it's been a full day since the fight... I slept for a long fucking time. It's already 2:45 pm...' He sighs and runs a hand down his face, 'I really need to piss, my bladder feels like it's going to explode.'

He lifted his arms in the air and stretched his body out, twisting and turning, making sure to pop his back as well. After he was done, he let out a heavy, anxious breath and made his way to the door.

Tommy slowly put a hand on the knob and placed his other hand on the door, pushing it to make no noise. He then turns the knob leisurely and swiftly opens the door. He peeks his head out and makes sure no one is coming, waiting and listening for any signs of movement, 'I know the twins are at school, but I have no clue if Phil is here.'

Once he was sure no one was coming, he walked on the balls of his feet, 'Over the years, I've learned that doing this makes your walking quieter.' He placed a hand on the bathroom door and opened it calmly. He sighs, relieved that he made it here in one piece.

The boy stops for a second and looks at himself in the mirror. His eyes look duller, and he has dark bags under them. His hair was disheveled, and the shirt he was wearing had a stretch mark on the front from where he had gripped it too tightly. Despite the long rest, he still looks like he hasn't slept in weeks.

He runs a hand through his unkempt hair and sighs, 'I seem to be sighing a lot more these days.'

Tommy finishes up his business in the bathroom and returns to the hallway. He walked to his door when something caught his eye, there was a plate with tin foil beside the door as well as a water bottle, 'Huh, this must have been dinner or breakfast maybe?' He rolled his eyes when he realized the predicament he was in.

'I could either ignore the plate entirely and let the awful smell of old food spread all over the hall and into my room, or I could go downstairs and throw it away,' He lets a slight groan out and picks up the plate, carrying it down the hall and to the stairs.

He makes it all the way down and begins walking to the kitchen. When he gets there, Phil is filling up a glass of water, and Tommy's eyes go wide. The older man turns around with a shocked expression, and Tommy avoids eye contact.

"Uh, hello..." He says to the younger, awkwardness apparent in his tone.

"Hey," Tommy says back, still avoiding eye contact.

"Um, the twins should be back from school any moment now," His voice was full of tension.

Tommy gave a nod and raked the plate he was holding into the trash, then placed it in the sink, avoiding Phil on the way there.

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