I wanna start from the top, maybe like a do over...

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Summary: soft, Also, Slow updates

Tommy shot up into a sitting position panting for air. Gripping the covers tightly, he thinks, 'Where am I? What happened?' His eyes feel puffy, and his mouth is dry.

Tommy took a few deep breaths and released the death grip he had on the blanket.

He looks around at his surroundings and notices that he's in his room. The same bed, same desk, and the same nightstand, 'How'd I get up here? Did someone carry me?'

He tries to recall what happened when sudden flashbacks from his first day at school hit him like a bus, 'Oh.'

'The fight, the argument in the car with Wilbur, Techno begging for me to tell the truth about the bruises. And the panic attack...'

He sighs while rubbing his hands down his face, "Fuck me."

Yesterday was not fun, 'Wait, what time is it even?'

Tommy checks his pockets for the phone, but it's not there; he starts to panic but then sees it's on the nightstand beside him. He lets out a breath of fresh air, "Thank fuck, someone must have placed it there when I was asleep."

There also seems to be a water bottle right beside it. Picking it up, he starts to chug it, which he probably shouldn't do since he could choke, but it's fine.

Tommy turns on his phone and checks the time and date, "Shit, it's still Monday?! And it's 11 pm! What the fuck," He whispered.

Tommy then remembers the note that Ranboo gave him with both of their numbers on it, 'Oh shit, I should probably text them.'

Taking out a crumpled piece of paper from his left side pocket, he opens his contacts and sees Wilbur, Techno, and Phil's numbers already in there. Tommy clicks on the add new contact button and puts both numbers in.

'I have no way of telling which is which because the dumbass did put the names down.'

He decides to text the first number to see who it is.

Tommy: Ayup

Xxx-xxx-0420: uh, hello? Who is this?

Tommy: it's Tommy from school

xxx-xxx-0420: Oh shit, hey Tommy

Tommy: Uh so which one is this, are you tubbo or ranboo bc SOMEONE decided not to put the names on the numbers

xxx-xxx-0420: Lmso its Tubbo

Tommy: "lmso" Also, your number has 420 in it pog

xxx-xxx-0420: stfu I was typing fast and damn I never noticed that before

Tommy: Shit wait a sec I'm changing yours and Ranboos names on here

Tubbo: Oh okay, I'll change yours too :D

Tommy: Okay, done. I have to text him later too

Tubbo: Oh wait, do you want me to add you to the group chat so we can all text?

Tommy: Hell yeah

Tubbo: ok give me a sec

Tommy takes a deep breath and leans back, waiting for Tubbo to add him. He hears a noise from outside but decides to ignore it. Suddenly there was a buzz that snapped him out of his thoughts.

Tommy was added to 'Beeduo'

Tommy: What's up bitches

Ranboo: ???

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