Attachments only lead to pain

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Summary: Tommy freaks lmao, wholesome ensured, lowkey trigger warning at the beginning


Tommy flinched out of the grasp, pushing his body further into the corner while trying to make himself smaller. He pulled his hand against his chest while frantically looking around.

'Techno had been the one to grab my wrist, I can see lips moving, but I don't know what they're saying,' Tommy thinks.

'I can't breathe, fuck why can't I breathe, fuck fuck fuck, everything hurts, calm down stop being so dramatic! Just fuckin breath!' Tommy closes his eyes, trying to control his breathing.

'I need something, I need something, I can't breathe, I need something- Wait... My hands fucked up.' Trying to push through the haze, he begins to press his fingers on the knuckles only to hear someone start yelling, sending him further into panic.

"Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry, please don't. I promise I won't do it again, I'm sorry," Covering his head with my arms, Tommy braces himself for a punch. Tears were now streaming down his face. His thoughts were racing a million miles an hour, 'I'm so scared, why am I so scared?'

No one was talking anymore, only silence filling the air around him.

'Why am I not getting yelled at?' Confusion quickly warping its way around Tommy's brain, 'No punches were being thrown, no one was hurting me. Why?'

After a while of just sitting there struggling to calm down, he began to focus on his surroundings. The car wasn't moving anymore. He could tell there were people around him but not close; they were giving him space, space was good, space was familiar.

'I don't wanna look at their faces, I don't want to see the pity or the disgust, I'm so tired... But I know eventually, I'll have to face them, so it's better to just get it over with now. I just wanna go to sleep...'

His breathing was almost steady, and thankfully, he could finally think rationally.

Tommy looked around and saw everyone staring at him with a mix of concern and shock.

Techno was out of the car with his hands held up, as was Wilbur. They exchanged a glance and looked right back at him,'I feel like a circus animal. I hate this.'

"Can I touch you?" Phil was the first one to speak up.

Tommy began shaking his head while trying to get out of the car, "I'm fine, stop looking at me like that." Glaring daggers at the ground, 'I feel so tired, I just wanna go to sleep and never wake up, why does this always happen.'

"Wilbur, go inside and get the ice pack and make sure to wrap a towel around it first. Techno go get the-"

Techno cut in, already moving up the steps, "First aid kit, on it, dad!" Both boys rushed inside, leaving Tommy alone with Phil.

"Hey Tommy, I'm gonna need you to focus on me. Do you need help walking inside?" His focus was back on Tommy, worry slipping into his voice, 'Why is he being so nice to me... I was acting like a puny bitch back there."

"No, I don't need your help; I think I can walk by myself, thank you very much," The proud boy said, trying to throw as much mock in as he could.

Tommy began feeling slightly cocky but immediately fell after standing up, resulting in Phil catching him before hitting the ground.

"Alright, mate, let's get you inside," The oldest man said while holding Tommy's left arm around his shoulder, in return putting his own arm around Tommy's back and under his right arm.

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