My optimistically set alarm clock time...

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Breakfast was more than tense, thanks to Wilbur giving Tommy spiteful glances whenever he thought the boy wasn't looking, leading Techno and Phil to shoot Wilbur looks like that was gonna make him stop. And not to mention the awful sound of forks being scraped across plates. So yeah, breakfast was fuckin' tense.

There were blinding beams of light coming from outside reflecting off the glasses, which just so happened to be hanging from a rack under the cabinets and above the counter.

It was easy to get distracted in this kitchen; you can tell so much about a person just by looking at the room's decor.

You could tell by the pictures and report cards on the fridge that Phil cared for and loved his kids. You could also tell that this is why Tommy won't last here.

Phil was proud of his kids, Techno's perfect grades that were hung up, as well as Wilburs stupid guitar recital pictures, 'I don't fit into their quintessential family.'

Maybe the sun was just too bright today.

"So Tommy, we should probably get you settled for school so you can go by next Monday," Phil spoke up, trying to break the tension but only fueling it. Tommy's eyes dragged over, leaving the window, and moved to where Phil was sitting.

Everyone had seemed to say silent after that; no one was eating, no plates being scraped, nothing. This tense silence bullshit is starting to become suffocating.

"Unless you want to wait?" Tommy was about to say 'yes,' when someone harshly kicked him under the table. He looked around and- 'of course, it was Wilbur, the motherfucker's glaring daggers at me.'

"Nope, it's okay, I'll go," Tommy says while rubbing his shin, earning a confused but amused look from Phil. 'He sure can kick hard for a lanky bitch.

"We also need to go shopping for clothes and school supplies, but that can wait until after Wil or Techno gives you an official house tour," Phil had said that with a warm smile, but he wasn't fooling Tommy, 'I know he wants us to bond. So gross.' Even the thought makes him involuntarily shudder.

Tommy's eyes snap over to see Wilbur slowly getting up, trying to escape, making Phil smile wider.

"Wilbur!" Phil exclaimed, clapping his hands together 'Ah, shit,' "Thank you for volunteering!" Techno slapped a hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh.

"Really!?" Wil said while groaning, making sure to throw his head back for extra effect, "I have to show this little gremlin around!?"

"Oi, fuck you too!" Tommy stands up as well, looking Wilbur dead in the eyes, "I don't want this boney bitch showing me around!"

Techno couldn't contain his laughter anymore, so he curled over in his chair, almost crying from glee.

"See, you have so much in common," The oldest man said, "Insulting each other and what-not. Well, get to it. Techno and I will clean up the kitchen while you do that."

Now that made Techno stop laughing, "Bruh," He huffed out.

"Fine," Wilbur had finally agreed, "Come on, Tommy." Leaving no room for argument, Tommy began walking behind him.

Once they were away from the kitchen, the taller male lured Tommy aside and stared at him.

"Don't complain about going to school. Phil already has enough stress as it is and now more with you on his hands..." 'How am I supposed to respond to that?' "Or else." Wilbur glared at Tommy, 'Ah, now I'm getting threatened, a new record.

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