When you see my face hope it gives you hell

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And once again I'm in another hiatus. Send help. LONG CHAPTER TO HOLD YOU GUYS OVER UNTIL I COME BACK AGAIN


Wilbur said to wear something comfortable, something that Tommy can move around in with ease. 'Why the hell would I need to wear something like that? What is he planning on doing, and who the fuck are "the boys"? Are they his friends? No, that can't be... I have already met his friends. Maybe his team? What were they called again? Uh, lemonburg? No, that's not right, L'manburg maybe? Yeah, that sounds more like it.'

Tommy hadn't gotten a notification from Tubbo or Ranboo since he went outside, 'I wonder what they're up to right now?' I hope they didn't forget about me... Fuck, come on, Tommy, stop getting so attached to everyone that shows you even a little bit of kindness. Anyway, I know Tubbo is a part of L'manberg, but what about Ranboo? That would be sick if they were. I've never had friends like this before, friends that care about me, or at least act like they do. It was a new experience, I'm quite happy, but at the same time, I'm sad. When I get sent back, I know I will have to leave them behind... I hope we will still text, but it's not the same. I know they'll slowly stop texting me back until one day it all stops, no more texts, no more calls, just complete radio silence.'

Wilbur mentioned right before he left that Tommy should keep the same shirt he had on and just change his pants, 'I should probably do that now.'

Tommy walks over to the closet and picks out a pair of comfortable pants; he puts them on and tests how he moves around in them, 'These seem okay.' He then shuts the closet door and looks around his room.It's peaceful and quiet. It's nice not having to worry about dangers, at least for now, that is. I'm so used to being in constant danger that this feeling is foreign to me; it doesn't seem real.'

Wil also said they had to sneak out since it's almost 12 am now- 'Wait, how the hell are we supposed to sneak out? We're gonna wake up Phil, and then he's going to be mad at us, and what if Wilbur blames it on me? What the fuck am I supposed to do then? What if he sends me back because of that? I don't know how far that man's patients can stretch. What if Wilbur doesn't blame it on me, and instead, he takes the full blame and gets punished? I wonder what Phil's punishments look like; it could either look really terrifying or be something small. I would hate to see a man that nice turn into the devil over something like this. It would fucking scare me more than I already am.'

A light knock on his door snapped him out of his thoughts, a voice whispered, "Are you ready?" It was Wilbur.

Wil is strange; that's an understatement. He's... Special... Tommy's never met someone so hot and cold. It's like one minute he wants to be nice to him and be his friend, and the next he wants to kill him, make up your mind already. Tommy usually can read people pretty well, but with him, Tommy has no idea what he's thinking. Actually... It's like that with this whole family, Tommy can't seem to get a good read on them either... 'Maybe I just have to focus harder, that usually helps.'

Tommy walks over to the door and opens it slowly, 'I know now that the doors don't squeak, so there's no point in opening them like I used to.'

"Shh," Tommy puts a finger over his lips, "Yes, I'm ready," He pulls on the door and lets Wilbur in.

Wil walks in quietly and turns to Tommy, "Okay, good, so, do you have everything you need?"

"What do you mean?" Tommy lightly shakes his head with a confused expression.

"Like, your phone... I think that's all actually," Wil snorts.

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