Punch my face. Do it 'cause I like the pain.

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I'm tryna keep the school very universally friendly so that's why I'll try not to say high school/sixth form/college, but since im American so I'll be basing this on how my school was.

I actually managed to trigger myself with my own writing so uh TRIGGER WARNING: VIOLENCE, PANICKING, AND EATING DISORDER


Blood. Sweat. Adrenaline. Tommy could feel bone giving in under his closed fist, not his, of course.

Red smudges staining his knuckles. Teeth clenched, bracing for the blow that was coming for his jaw, finally making its contact. The metallic taste of blood filled his mouth, most likely from his lip busting due to braces.

Tommy spits the maroon liquid on the other's shoes, smiling because his taunt seemed to make the other boy angrier. A large grin from his split lip showed his teeth being stained from the blood.

Arm drawing back, twisting his waist, the other boy was going in for another punch. Tommy ducks and tackles him, arriving on top.

The blond then lands a punch square on the other boy's forehead, making his head bounce off the concrete.

Tommy thinking he had won, was about to get up, but then a frustrated growl left the other's mouth. The other boy pushed Tommy off of him, landing a second punch in Tommy's face.

Both their clothes were soaked from the pouring rain, 'Why'd it have to rain today of all fucking days?'

You could see their blood mixing on the ground; it was moving throughout the cracks in the concrete.

Gasps and cheers were roaring throughout the crowd that surrounded them.

If Tommy wasn't certain about anything in his life before, he is now.

'I'm winning this damn fight, not for me, not for my pride, but for him... How did I even get into this situation... Actually, I know exactly how.'


"Tommy! Wake up!" Someone said, bursting through the door.

"Go away," Tommy groaned out.

"Fuck no! We have school today so, if you don't wake up, I'm getting Phil," The person yelling was Wilbur, 'That annoying little prick.'

After speaking of Phil, Tommy's body jolted up like Dracula.

'I do not want to see a pissed-off Phil,' He thought this often, 'It's always the nice ones that punch the hardest. I'm still not sure about him. He seems nice and all, but my trust issues aren't going to agree with him for a hot minute.'

"Finally," Wil huffed out, walking out of the room, "Oh yeah, wear something semi-nice. It is your first day, after all," Eventually, he shut the door, leaving the boy alone.

Tommy sighs, laying back down on the bed, 'It was 7:00 am, school starts at 8:30 am, but we need to be there at least 30 minutes early for the tour.'

Tommy can do tours. Tours are familiar; tours aren't new.

"Wear something nice, he says," Tommy mutters, "It's your first day, he says," Mocking Wil with a high-pitched voice.

He huffs, rubbing his hands on his face. Tommy looks at the time, and it's already 7:05, "Goddammit," He groans while getting out of bed.

Tommy pulls off the old clothes he fell asleep in and throws them on the floor. He decided to throw on something they got yesterday at the store. Which was a plain long-sleeve black shirt with jeans.

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