Uh, room?

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short chapter sry sry lmao

Waking up to see a newly wrapped hand and an ice pack that had long gone melted was not what Tommy was expected to see, at least not first thing in the morning.

'Hmm fancy,' It indeed was fancy, at least for him. He's never woken up this way before; I mean, at least throw some yelling in there, 'That sounds depressing... It was funnier before my brain processed it.'

'The bed I'm lying on is soft as hell...' Tommy's eyebrows furrowed, 'Wait, bed? What the fuck, where am I?' Recollection suddenly hit him square in the face like a goddamn textbook.


'I can't breathe, fuck why can't I breathe, fuck fuck fuck, everything hurts, calm down stop being so dramatic! Just fuckin breath!'

"Tommy, I'm not gonna yell at you for having a panic attack-"

"I'm carrying you upstairs. We don't need ya falling down them."

Before going up the stairs, Tommy looks back and sees Techno and Wilbur giving each other worrisome glances.

Curling into Phil's hold, Tommy buried his head further into Phil's chest, earning a surprised look from him.

'Yeah... This is gonna be a pain when I finally leave.'


"What the fuck," His voice only coming out as a whisper, 'Why did I do that shit last night?' A small groan leaves his mouth, not loud enough for anyone but himself to hear.

'Last night was terrible; I'm so fucking embarrassed. That mother fucker had carried me, not one, but two times. And shit, they saw me panic. Today's gonna be fucking awful. At least the room I'm in is nice...'

The walls are white without any imperfections, 'That won't last for long with me in the house.' And the bed... It's comfortable but quite dull, only having light blue sheets with a dark blue quilt.

The bed's in the right-hand corner of the room, and there's a nightstand beside it. In front of the bed is a closet. To the left of the closet is a door, most likely the door to leave. There seems to be a sturdy-looking desk in the left-hand corner horizontal to the bed.

But the thing that interests Tommy the most is the window that is dead center between the bed and the desk.

'Huh, I wonder if...' Tommy slowly gets out of bed, making sure no sound follows; after successfully making no noise, he wanders to the window.

'I wonder if they put any locks on it...' His thoughts come out slow and cautious as he makes his way to the opening.

'What the hell, there isn't a-' He lets out a surprised chuckle, "There isn't a lock."

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