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OKAY, I might have taken some inspo from other fics, you can probably tell but... I was in a block okay? Anyway sorry for the short chapter, this was from my first hiatus.


"What the fuck?" Phil said, grocery bags discarded on the floor.

Both Wilbur and Tommy had wide eyes. Techno and Phil were standing at the entrance of the room with the same expressions. 'They must have come in while we weren't paying attention, well... fighting.'

"Shit," Wilbur mutters and runs a hand through his hair, then he looks back at the other boy quickly, "Tommy, forget wha-" He was about to finish whatever he was saying when Phil came out of nowhere and placed two hands on the sides of Wilbur's forehead. Suddenly Wil passed out, leaving the oldest man to hold up his weight.

With fearful eyes, Tommy backed up slowly and tripped, landing on his backside, which earned some glances from Phil and techno, "What the fuck did you just do?!" 'How did he come over here so fast? That was lightning quick– how did I not notice him? I knew I wasn't safe here, fuck, I shouldn't have let my guard down, fuck fuck fuck fuck. I'm not safe here, I'm not safe here, I'm not safe here, I'm not safe here, I'm not-'

"Tommy, calm down. Everything's okay, you're safe but... You should probably go to your room for now...." Phil says with worried eyes while putting Wilbur down onto the couch.

Techno sighs and mutters, "I thought I said no fighting...."

Tommy's breathing was fast, "No way, not until you tell me what the fuck just happened, what the fuck did you just do to him?!"

"I didn't do anything. Wilbur was just tired," Phil says while looking away from Tommy, lying straight to his face.

"I know you're lying; we took a nap right before you got here!" The boy yells out, still shocked and on the ground.

"Tommy, please... Just go to your room," Phil sighs and looks at the boy sternly.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, I need to get the fuck out of here, I'm making him mad, I don't want him to do whatever he just did to Wilbur to me,' And with that last thought, Tommy got up and bolted to his room. He looked behind him quickly before going up the stairs and chose to ignore the pained expression Phil had on his face.

Tommy made it all the way up the stairs, ignoring the rooms that passed with a blur of color. He shut the door and locked it with a panicked breath. His breathing quickened, and he put his hand on his chest, gripping the shirt tightly.

'NO, NO, NO. You are not having another panic attack, not now and not here.' He holds his breath and tries to make his heartbeat go down.

Finally, he releases the hold he had on his breath, letting the air slowly trickle out of his lungs. His breathing was still bumpy, so he tried to slow it down more, in and out, in and out. At last, it was beginning to calm down, not all the way but enough that he could actually function.

Tommy walked over to his bed and laid down in it face up with wide eyes. He was shocked by the whole Phil and Wilbur situation. How could he not be? That was fucking terrifying.

'I knew the house wasn't different, I let my guard down, and this shit happened. Fuck! I'm so stupid! This shit always happens. I hate this so much. God fucking dammit... I hate them for making me feel like I could actually be safe, I hate them for being so nice to me, I hate them for making me so attached, and I hate them for making me feel like I could be loved for once...' Tommy could feel tears forming in his eyes, but this time he didn't stop them. "I'm so fucking tired, tired of always being on guard, tired of not feeling safe, tired of keeping everything in, I'm just so fucking tired..."

'Why won't Phil tell me what he did? How did Phil even do that in the first place? Why is this place so weird? It's so frustrating! I wish I could just understand what's going on!'

'I just want this to end, all of this madness. I wanna go back to the way it was before when I actually felt safe.' He chuckles and mutters, "Dinner is going to be so awkward, well... I might not even go down for it after all this shit."

'I'm so tired, maybe I should just take a nap, sleep this whole thing off...' He sighs and closes his eyes, 'Yeah, maybe I should just sleep...' With that last thought, he dozed off.

"Come on, Tommy, enough playing, it's time to eat," A lady says in an endearing tone. She had long blond hair and wore a white dress with a white sun hat and a yellow ribbon.

'Wait... This has happened before...'

Tommy's body moved on its own, dropping the stick he was holding. He says, "Coming!" 'Not again... What is happening, why does this keep happening?'

The sun was bright- No, not this time... Instead of the bright sun and light blue sky, it was dark; there was only a full moon out with barely visible stars.

The moon's light reflected off the dark brown leaves from the trees, and this time, they were shaking hard.

The stiff breeze carried the smell of dead grass. The grass was a dark brownish-green shade, and if you looked closely, you could see small withered flowers embedded within it.

Right in the middle of the dark field was a red and white checkered picnic blanket with no food this time. There were only empty plates and silverware.

Finally, Tommy sits down beside the lady, and she looks at him with a smile, "Did you have fun?"

"Mhm, I get to play all on my own because I'm a big boy now," He smiles brightly. 'What the fuck... If this is the same dream I had before, then why has everything changed?'

"Look at you, already 4 years old and so grown up," She giggles and passes him an empty plate, acting as if there was food on it.

'Again with the "already 4 years old??" Who the fuck is this lady? And why can't I control my own body?!'

Tommy takes a bite out of the invisible sandwich and lets out a pleased sound, "This tastes so good, thank you, 𝙹ᒲᒲ|| !"

She smiles, with such fondness in her eyes, and says, "Happy birthday Tommy... But now it's time to go home."

"Oh fuck this, not again, lady," Tommy says, finally gaining control of his body.

"Tommy..." She places a soft hand on his cheek with a sad expression and caresses it.

He bolts up and begins running with fright, 'Fuck no, I'm not getting jumped scared again.' He started running faster, well, as fast as he could with those short ass legs and made it to the end of the grassy field. The thick woods were blocking his path, 'I don't give a shit about the woods, I'm going in.'

"Tommy...." Her voice echoes throughout the forest, following him. Tommy slowly begins to lose the sound of her voice, and he keeps running.

"Gotta get out of here, gotta get out of here, gotta get out-" He muttered, but suddenly he saw a house in the middle of the woods, 'Huh?'

He slows down his pace and walks to the front entrance of the house, 'This house... It looks a lot like Phils...'

Tommy reaches for the doorknob when someone grabs his wrist, making his head snap over.

"NO!" The woman from the field was the one who grabbed his wrist, and she had a tight grasp on it. Her face was still a void, once again with no eyes, no mouth, nothing.

Tommy yanks his hand away and pushes her; she stumbles then comes running back, "DON'T DO IT TOMMY!" She yells.

Tommy jerked the door open and was engulfed with light.

But then the door shut, and he was pulled back.

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