Chapter Eighty-Four: Assassination

Start from the beginning

Perhaps it was time to intervene especially when people continued to bring to her attention that he spent most of his time and money on Diane de Poitiers. 

Catherine watched Elisabeth and the rest of the court leave the chapel, her eyes narrowing and she knew that one day she would be seated in such a position of power. 

Her brother would help her when he could, she knew that Alessandro was eager to see her succeed especially given his position as the Duke of Florence. 

It was in his favour that she remain in her position, married to the second in line to the French throne and he encouraged her in his letters to do whatever necessary to remove the obstacles in her way.


22nd of July 1535 - Florence, Duchy of Florence

The celebrations for the Duke of Florence's birthday had lasted a week with no expense spared despite the worsening conditions of those less fortunate than himself. 

From jousts to banquets, there had been no stopping the celebrations even when riots broke out across the city and the poor starved to death in the streets. 

Alessandro had even commissioned a state for the gardens to be built, he wished for it to displace him in a good light and to stand amongst the statues of those who had come before him. 

He wished to take his place in the grand halls where paintings of his forefathers stood; he often found himself staring at the paintings of his great grandfather and his great, great grandfather. 

A small part of him wondered what they would make of his reign, surely, they would be proud of him for everything that he had done; he had brought greatness back to the family after they had fallen so far. 

"You seem distracted," Lorenzino mused wrapping an arm around Alessandro's shoulders and bringing him close, a smile painted on his face and his dark locks moving in the slight breeze that filled the courtyard. 

The music from the main banquet hall could be heard throughout the Palace and Lorenzino was surprised that Alessandro had wandered away from the festivities. 

Even with no expense being spared and the wine cellars being raided almost every night that week, Alessandro had outdone himself with this evenings entertainment. 

The rich of Florence had been well entertained and Lorenzino had felt a pang of jealously as he had watched Alessandro with those, he deemed worthy to spend time with him and take part in the celebrations. 

"I have missed your presence cousin, you have been absent as of late. There is much busy for us to discuss," Alessandro stated, he put an arm around Lorenzino's waist and ruffled the other man's dark locks. 

He looked at Lorenzino trying to see what had plagued his dear cousin in the last few days, he had hated not having him to turn to especially in such dark times. 

"I have been busy ensuring peace inside the city," Lorenzino replied not giving anything away, he dared not tell Alessandro anything more less he reveal too much and give away his changing allegiance. 

Instead, he moved to walk alongside Alessandro, leading him back together the celebrations that seemed to have only grown since he had stepped out into the courtyard. 

There were many people inside and the ale was flowing, Lorenzino had no doubts that this would certainly be a night that none of them would ever forget. 

"Your Grace I have a gift for you," Lorenzino whispered into his cousin's ear, his eyes darting about the room and he was pleased to see that Cosimo had done as he had been instructed. 

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