Chapter 40: Petted by a panda

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Su Xiaoxi saw the blood from the red panda's nose and exclaimed: "Ah! You have a nosebleed!? Will pandas also have a nosebleed??"

She didn't expect this to happen, she didn't expect it, and was at a loss for a while, so she hurriedly picked fern leaves and wiped her nose.

On the 9th, she heard the fact that she had a nosebleed from her mouth, and heard her repeat it twice, and she suddenly felt—

Shame, really shame.

He ran away as soon as she turned around.

The fluffy face burned in panic.

The panda face with nosebleeds is not cute at all!

He shouldn't continue to be ashamed in front of her!

Because there was no paper, Su Xiaoxi had to find some clean and dry fern leaves and clear water.

When she came back, she found that the little panda had disappeared.

"Boss! Have something to eat!" The fat man ran over excitedly.

He has always been the most active for dry meals.

"Okay, I'll come over." Su Xiaoxi looked around for a while, but didn't see the red panda, and didn't know where it was hiding.

I had to put the thing down and look for it after eating.

The little brothers have gathered around the rising boiler, salivating.

Xiaowen sat a little farther away from them, almost hidden in the shadows, very non-existent.

As for the tarsier, I did not know where I found a banana and was holding it.

Su Xiaoxi walked over and saw various colorful mushrooms floating in the boiling water in the pot.

What a pot of mushroom soup!

Su Xiaoxi: ...I suspect that you are trying to poison me.

She frowned and couldn't help asking: "This is the dinner you prepared...?"

Can eat?

Ba Zi Hu smiled and said: "Boss, you don't know about it! These mushrooms are all edible! We looked through the plant illustration book you gave, and then went to pick them and eat them."

He handed over the illustrated book of plants as if offering a treasure.

Su Xiaoxi took it and looked suspiciously at the page he opened.

The paintings are full of colorful mushrooms, they are all very gorgeous colors, and the descriptions are all the same—

[Eatable mushrooms! The beauty of the color represents its deliciousness! Please feel free to eat! have a good dream! 】

Su Xiaoxi saw the last few words of "Wish you a good dream", and his heart burst, and he always felt that there was something wrong with these words.

But the Eight Characters Hu pulled the picture book, and then urged: "Boss, eat it! Otherwise, the mushroom soup that has been hard-boiled will be cold!"

Su Xiaoxi pulled his cuffs and said casually, "I'm going to see the red panda. You can eat it first."

"The boss doesn't eat, how dare we eat first?" The fat man replied with his saliva in his mouth, crying without tears.

Su Xiaoxi didn't look at them as if they wanted her to test the poison, but really trusted the pot of mushroom soup they made together.

She said helplessly: "Forget it, I am too embarrassed to find another reason. Actually, I really hate eating mushrooms."

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