"It should be obvious...I was used for Lucius's pleasure. That side of Lucius was horrible, he scared me, traumatized me. The fact he didn't have to fear Voldemort...he didn't care. When he was bored, angry, or just plain out upset he'd pin me in the closest room and then." I stopped for a second and heard one of them try to speak but I cut them off, "I was raped constantly and lost track after the first year. I'm sure Narcissa knew...she gained a hatred for me. Oh and my body...Lucius turned it back to what it 'should've' been so he could have fun with me! The only thing that kept me going was Draco! I almost ended my life when he left for Hogwarts, I felt lost but when he came back and told me so many stories about what he experienced, hope entered my mind. Harry was ok and Severus too...I pleaded one time for Draco to tell Severus I was in Malfoy Manor but Lucius heard me and...I was immediately punished. This last year Lucius has been too scared to touch me because of Voldemort's return..." I sunk into Tonks's warm hug and stayed still, not moving an inch.

"Y/n I...when I see Malfoy I'll sock him! Oh so hard he'll see Reggie!" Sirius was standing again and Remus rubbed his temple leaning against the nearest wall trying to keep himself composed.

"You'll get that chance someday, Padfoot. Tonks take Y/n upstairs and help them transfigure themself back to how they like." I was carefully lifted up from my seat and zombie like I held Tonks hand and followed.


Right as Tonks finished up tiny details she left with Remus noticing it was past midnight. I sat staring at that mirror forever just smiling at my shirtless flat chest and my beautiful short hair. My trance was broken when I heard Sirius talking with someone in the next room then there was a thud down the stairs. I could hear Sirius basically lunge down the stairs almost tumbling down and began talking to many people. Without hesitation I threw the bathroom door open and glided down the stairs entering the room where the chatter came from.

"I'm sure he'll be alright...how about butterbeers?" No one seemed to notice me till after Sirius handed them each a butterbeer and addressed me, "Y/n? I figured you'd be asleep by now."

My eyes went to two very tall twin gingers. I felt my whole face light up, "Identical red-headed twins. You're Molly and Arthur's kids! Fred and George..." I pointed at each one as I said their names and they were completely frozen in shock.

George stuttered, "H-how do you know..."

"No one can tell us apart..." I kept looking at them as tears filled my eyes.

"I remember you two just being little things, it feels like yesterday..." Sirius grabbed my shoulder and guided me to a chair next to him.

He went to whisper, "Y/n Arthur was just attacked and is at Saint Mungos...now isn't the best time for this."

"Arthur what?" I looked back at the rest of the kids and noticed two more gingers, "Oh my lord they had two more kids...Finally had that girl she wanted though." My rib cage was jabbed painfully.

"Y/n did you not hear me! Harry, why don't you take Y/n upstairs so you two can sleep." Harry looked up and shook his head no slowly, "I want to make sure Mr. Weasley is ok first." I recognized that look in Harry's eyes, he's scared to sleep.

"I want to stay down too Sirius..."

"After the night you've had you need sleep!" He grabbed my arm and pulled up, without hesitation I shrunk into a brown ferret and sprinted into Fred's arms. I was shaking violently and Fred didn't have any idea how to calm me down. "Y/n I- I didn't mean to grab you." Ignoring him I curled into a ball and fell asleep while waiting to hear some news.


Voices started to fade into existence, "Arthur will be fine, I'll come to get you guys in the morning so you can visit him." I heard kissing noises and my eyes only shot open when I felt someone scratch my head. I climbed up Fred's chest and stood on his head making direct eye contact with Molly. "Whose ferret do you have, Fred?" I looked behind her and saw Sirius frantically motioning me to get down. All it took was Harry laughing for me to hop down to the floor and return to my normal self. Molly squealed then paused before screaming and pulling me close. "Y/n you really are alive! Oh my goodness, you disappearing was my fault...If I j-just didn't give you that vac-vacation day." I pulled back to make eye contact with her and smiled brightly.

"Molly it's alright, I'm here now that's all that matters! I also have learned you had two more kids." She sniffled and slightly shoved my shoulder causing us to both burst into laughter.

"I should really be going, I'll tell Arthur you're alright too." She started to walk back out the door but stopped. Me being as curious as I am walked over and she had me lean down so she could whisper, "Snape loves you dear, when he returned and you were gone he rushed to our house and broke down when you weren't there." My face flushed a red tone as she smiled and left the house. I turned and everyone was smiling in a questioning way.

"Go to bed so you can be wide awake to see Arthur," They all rolled their eyes and passed me to get to the staircase. I crossed my arms and ticked my jaw to the side, "Sirius stop looking so mad."

"I'm mad that you like Snivellus...he bullies students, especially Gryffindor." I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

"Sirius, why would you care? If I like Sev then you get Remus all to yourself." I saw a smile creep on his face before storming past me.

"Stop it with your dumb logic!" I chuckled and walked up the steps walking by a few bedrooms. There was mumbling coming from one of the rooms so I thought something must be wrong. The room was dark except for a lit wand that was pointing at a painting.

"Dumbledore doesn't want you to leave Potter."

"I don't care, everyone's in danger if I stay!"

I stepped through the doorway gaining deja vu and looked concerned, "Harry..." He jumped and didn't seem so brave to leave anymore.

"Erm Y/n...I'll go to bed alright."

"If you're scared of facing Voldemort in your dream don't be. Also did you ever care to think everyone's in danger if I stay here too. I'm Voldemort's weapon."

"One, how did you know that and two, how is that possible?" I smiled and turned to walk out of the room.

"If Sirius and Molly let me I'll tell my backstory tomorrow."

A Life at Hogwarts Part 2Where stories live. Discover now