Chapter 11: Anomaly in Time

Start from the beginning

"Heh! Torture? And when exactly did we ever mention something about torture?" gramps finally replied as it was Warren the one to end up stepping up front to continue the show. "You know what to do, Warren. Find out all what we need, including where to find our enemy once and for all"

"I'm on it, master" Warren said. And then, he began using his mental magic to enter the prisoner's mind.

With any luck, he would quickly find out where to look for Poison Fang next. In fact, he continued to explore the mind of the enemy for a long while. But then suddenly, we were all interrupted when Mira entered the prison as well while in search of gramps.

"Master!" yelled my white-haired friend. "We need you at the main hall... now"

"We are in the middle of something here, Mira. What is happening?" gramps bluntly replied, only to then startle in surprise at what Mira had to say to him in return.

"It's princess Hisui... She replied to your letter"


Angelane POV

<<2 days later>>


It's been 2 days since the sleepover my friends and I had at my mom's place. And I was now walking through the wide and majestic hallways of Fiore's royal palace. Even in the past, the palace was so beautiful that I could not describe it with words. And I'm glad to know people preserved it so well even 25 years later.

But enough of that. How am I here and why? You may ask. Well... It all happened that day in which we girls were all at the verge of throwing up our guts.



We were all finally starting to feel a little better from our hangover. Not entirely by any means, but at least good enough to stand up and walk again.

Then suddenly, an unknown person dressed in royal clothes entered our guild in a rush while carrying a big bag filled with letters.

"I have a letter for Makarov Dreyar from princess Hisui!" yelled the man as everyone present startled at his words.

Mostly me of course, cause I was probably the most interested one in the knowledge princess Hisui had about the Eclipse spell.

Without losing a second, Mira shrugged away the little bit of drowsiness she still had and called out for our master.

Then, we noticed that the princess's reply ended up being an invitation. An invitation to visit her royal palace and discuss everything that we needed to know about the matter at hand.

And so, the chosen ones to go and visit the capital city of Crocus were none other than our master, my mom, Levy, and me of course.

<<End of flashback>>


And so, here we are now...

"Are you sure it was good for you to have come, master?" Levy asked in concern. "Our friends at the guild may need your guidance after all"

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