Ceathrad 's a sia

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Richard tilted his head from side to side as his gaze assessed her

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Richard tilted his head from side to side as his gaze assessed her. She chewed nervously on the cuticle of her nail. "All right." He conceded. "Since ye willnae answer me, I'll tell ye this. I suspect there is a great deal more to ye than meets the eye. I even suspect we may have some relation."

"Just because a person has the same last name doesn't make them family," Niamh retorted with a roll of her eyes and a fold of her arms. She'd witnessed aside to Richard that would make anyone deny kinship. He'd been cold and calculating appearing with each incident as the snake he no doubt was.

"Ha!" He chuckled. "That be the truth. I dinnae look very closely at ye, naw till now, but I dare say ye have the bearing of Colville women. Yer head is curiously large when compared to the rest of ye. " He joked, scooting closer. "The more I look upon ye. The more of my ma and my sister I see in ya."

"Humpf..." Niamh huffed. "You must have hated them. Maybe that's why you're so desperate to kill me," She shifted away from him, attempting to put more space between them wincing with each movement.

"Aye, I can understand why ye'd think that." Richard nodded in agreement, "But that wouldnae be the case. I loved my ma and I love my sister still." There was a sadness in his voice that pulled at Niamh. And strangely enough she felt sorry for Richard, if only for a brief moment.

He continued, "At one time, it may have been true that I wanted to harm ye because ye were standing in the way of whot I want but I can no longer say that is the case." He paused for a moment holding her gaze. "I believe, Niamh Colville, that ye and I are kith and kin. How this is possible, I know not." He shrugged "But I believe it tae be true. I willnae harm a hair on yer head. So ye may rest easy on that score. " He reached out in a very out-of-character move, playfully ruffled her hair. He stopped immediately when he noticed her recoil. "Aye, yer reaction is well deserved. With the Colville clan growing smaller every year. I am glad to have found ye."

"So does this mean this is over and that you'll let me go?" Niamh asked with hope in her eyes that she'd finally found some decent part of him.

Richard sighed, resting his against the wall behind them. He relaxed his arms over his bent knees. "I cannae do that Niamh. I cannae risk sending ye back to Clan Douglas."

"But you just said..." She started to argue.

"Aye!" Richard complained letting out a harsh breath before he spoke over her "Do ye sincerely believe that he wouldnae stretch yer bonnie neck from the end of a rope if he found out that ye were actually a Colville? I wager he'd save himself the trouble of waiting on a hanging and slit yer throat then and there." Richard's mirthless laugh was back. "Ye! A woman who wormed her way into a marriage and a title knowing full well that she was lying about her identity? Naw, he'd kill ya fae sure. Ye, Niamh are a member of a family who is the sworn enemy of Clan Douglas. To him, ye'd be nothing but a liar and betrayer. Killing ye would be seen as justice being served."

Niamh throat was suddenly dry. She swallowed but could get nothing past the growing lump there. Richard was right. The moment Eòin heard her real name, he'd think she was a Colville plant and kill her. Almost immediately and without question.

Niamh let her head hang as she picked absentmindedly at her thumbnail with the opposite hand, "Oh." She said quietly.

She sat in silent conflict. While she felt a sense of relief that Morgan's request to keep her identity secret, hid her from the worst harm. She felt disquiet at the thought of starting a life on her own. She did not want to start a life without Eòin. She knew he did not love her but she felt as if things were changing between them.

"Have naw fear, Niamh." Richard broke through her thoughts. "Ye are a Colville and are now under my protection. I'll see to ye welfare. So ye cannae go back to Castle Douglas."

Niamh never really studied Richard's features but as he sat so close facing her she let her eyes wander over him. He had a pointed chin attached to an oval-shaped face, arched brows, and a strong jaw that somehow reminded her of her father. She could see a faint resemblance after all. He was probably right. They were related but how many generations separated them and who connected them she wondered. And if Eòin killed Richard would that put her future in jeopardy?

"Thank you, Richard, but I think I'll take my chances with Eòin."

Incredulous, Richard shot to his feet. "Then ye have sentenced yerself to death and I willnae allow it. Ye'll stay here. Heal. And think carefully of the choice yer making."

Richard then stomped to the door, shutting it hard behind him. Niamh heard the key turn in the lock before his footsteps sounded further and further away.

Agasp, Niamh was motionless. Despite the progress she'd made with Richard she remained his prisoner. "I'll never get out of here." She whispered to herself as she moved slowly to lay on her side, carefully nursing her injury.

"That boy sure does love a blether. Dinnae be down, my Raven. I'll naw leave ye at the mercy of that madman." A cloak of darkness shifted in the corner of the room, materializing out of thin air.

Niamh nearly leaped out of her skin with fright. But as the figure turned around and the darkness fell away; Niamh's face lit with excitement and recognition. "Morgan!"


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