Fichead 's a sia

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"We've had a suitor from near every clan requesting the hand of the fair maid

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"We've had a suitor from near every clan requesting the hand of the fair maid." Sir Richard informed King James. "Word has gotten around about her beauty but more so about the heavy purse she comes with."

James' face was pensive, "Uhm...This won't do if I am to have her for my own. Is there anything that can be done?"

Richard's lips curled into a smile, "Majesty, tis a simple matter. Marry the girl to someone ye ken willnae touch her and have her as yer own."

James spent many an hour growing hard as steel over the prospect of having Nia Godfrey beneath him. He'd never spent so much time or effort to bed a woman that was not his wife but she was worth it. He'd never seen anything like her before. Her beauty. Her spirit. Her uniqueness could not be rivaled. This won't please Lady Godfrey but women were rarely satisfied in marriage.

Growing anticipation stirred his loins, "Do it. Marry her to a dandy with my permission. Then have her placed as the Queen's lady-in-waiting. If I can't have her no one will." The attraction he had to Lady Godfrey was instant yet so powerful it was an intoxication. An Obsession.

A soft knocking came at the king's chamber door. James nodded to Richard. He stepped forward to answer revealing Niamh waiting in the doorway.

She wore no headdress as was fashionable in the day. Dark hair hung freely at her shoulders. Her sweeping scarlet gown with detachable sleeves was heavily ornamented with pearls.

She looked the part of a vixen but rebellious. From her unusual manner of speech, disregard for the conventions of fashion or social status; Richard felt there was indeed something very strange about the lady. He had yet to learn her secrets despite his well-placed spies. He had every intention of shaking loose the hold she had on the king. The deeper the king's ardor grew the more influential Lady Godfrey became.

"Milady, what brings ye to the king's chambers at this hour unchaperoned?" He asked after offering a bow.

"I know it isn't proper but I need to speak to the king. It's quite urgent," She looked tense. He would even hazard to say uneasy.

"Allow her audience, Sir Colville," James called from inside the room.

Richard stepped back allowing Niamh to enter. He returned to King James, then on bended knee he bowed over his hand. As he did, he whispered, "Dinnae get too close, Majesty. She's naw as tame as she seems."

James leaned forward in his seat to pass a soft reply in Richard's ear, "I never took her for a quiet one. She seems a fierce storm of hellfire that I shall willingly embrace."

"Careful, my liege. You may naw survive a brush of her lips," Richard said with a knowing smile before he rose to his feet to retire.

James dreamed of this moment for weeks. A hunger roiled within him the moment the door shut behind Richard. Finally, a moment alone with the Lady Godfrey.

"My Lady, I am sorry I was not here to grieve with you. I know the loss of your family must weigh heavy on your heart. Trust that as your king I have taken your future into consideration. I will see you happily settled and cared for. If this is what troubles you. You may rest at ease." He stood strolling across the wide room to her. A reassuring smile rested upon his face.

Niamh's eyes bulged awkwardly. She'd completely forgotten that she should be grieving for her made-up family. She hoped that Morgan had not killed real people just so she could cover her ass.

She quickly recovered, "Majesty, the suddenness of their deaths caused me so much grief that I lost consciousness. Now, I grieve in silence and prayer." She let her head hang but tried sneaking a little look to see if he bought it.

When she heard him sigh, she knew she was in the clear. "You poor soul. Let God be a boon to you in this time. And allow me to do what I can as well."

She felt him slip his hand into hers. She fought the urge to pull her hand away, "I come to you, Majesty, not for me but for one less fortunate. My maid Una-"

"Ah, the servant," The king interrupted, "I have heard of her treachery. She will have the justice she richly deserves. Laird Eòin thought to have her execution postponed to launch an inquisition into the matter, but I will have her drawn and quartered for this seditious attempt on your lives."

'Wait...' She thought. 'Even after all that he actually took what I said into consideration.'

"I know this event must be upsetting but it will all be set right," The king was closer now, less than arms reach. Niamh had the sneaking suspicion he would make his play if she didn't put the brakes on this.

"Majesty, I can't thank you enough for your kindness," She said stepping back but stopping short of pulling her hand from his. "But I think you misunderstand. I was hoping that you'd free Una. She would never hurt me or anyone else for that matter. She's a good person."

"Yes, good enough to attempt the poisoning of a noble. I'm sorry Lady Godfrey but the girl must die." And just like that any hope Niamh had of saving Una by way of the king died.

"Thank you for your time, Majesty. I'll take my leave now," She started to pull away when he yanked her against his chest.

"Lady Godfrey..." He said in a husky whisper, "I burn. I pine. Surely you must know."

Niamh feigned a look of confusion, "I'm sorry, Majesty but I-"

A loud knocking came at the door. BANG. BANG. BANG. The insistent banging continued. The king tried to ignore it but the visitor would not go away.

Annoyed King James responded, "Yes, what is it?"

"Majesty, it is I, Laird Eòin Douglas. I am in search of my ward, Lady Godfrey."

Salvation! "I'm in here Lord Douglas." She shouted. Any longer and she would have to plant her size eight and a half in the king's ass. He was getting way too familiar.

The door burst open, "Nia!" He shouted. "How dare you enter the king's chamber unaccompanied. You would dare to infringe upon the king and ruin your reputation all at once." His angry glare was enough to make her shrink. She knew she was in for it tonight.

"Your Majesty," He bowed, "Please forgive my intrusion. I meant no affront. I apologize for Nia's behavior as well."

With two long strides, he was in front of her. His wide hand wrapped around her upper arm in a punishing grip. He pulled her roughly from the king's grasp.

"I'll see that she's disciplined, Majesty," His voice was so low and menacing that it was almost a growl. 


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