Chapter 10: the box

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Walking around new York, ally found herself in a small cafe she always went to. She studied and spent her time with her roommate at this cafe. Ordering her self a cappuccino to-go, the short but yet mature woman stood to the side scrolling on her phone.

That was until a message popped up. Frowning she looked at the time. She didn't think anyone would message her today, everyone is in class at this time.

Checking who it came from, a small smile appeared on her lips "haha" she chuckled very softly. A picture of normani and lauren showing of a picture of the five girls.

Ally smiled sadly at it just a second later. She really didn't think she would see those two after Camila's break up with lauren. "How time has changed them..." ally muttered out seeing how older they got.

"Ally!" A barista called out for the short woman. Ally walked over and picked up her drink before going to sit on a chair far from other people in the cafe.

Her thumbs tapped on her phone, sending a message back to the chat. She smiled looking at the name that had been change, minutes earlier.

Ally: I don't like the idea of changing the name of this chat to that. Always will be the '5 teen titans'

Ally had sent the message and quickly changed the name.

Ally: someone messes with it, I'll fly down to California and slap some sense into y'all

Camila: I see you haven't changed, ally

Dinah: I'd rather keep my face on my head than have it on your hand

Ally chuckled at their response. A smile keep onto her lips when she saw who texted next.

Normani: I miss that bbq we should totally do a huge one again!

Ally: me too!

Lauren: I missed hanging out together as a five person group.

Lauren's words hit ally hard. They had gotten a lot closer during high school. They acted like sisters to each other. It suprised the other girls but they didn't mind it one bit.

Sighing ally stood up "one day, lauren. One day" she made her way out of the cafe with her drink in hand.


Camila was looking at the picture again that normani had sent. She smiled seeing lauren smiling. Although her eyes were advertising to the box sitting between her legs. Zooming in she found the the necklace lauren had lost in the pool inside the box. Her eyes glanced at another necklace inside of the box and she frowned. It was a ring Camila had gotten lauren for her birthday, but instead she made it into a necklace. It had the letter 'L' engraved inside.

"Hey, mila. My mom wants to know if we are going to Miami for Thanksgiving?" Dinah asked looking at camila sitting on her bed across from dinah's bed.

Camila looked up and shrugged "I haven't really thought about it yet. We could if you want to?"

"I was hoping since they gave us two weeks off practice. All we can do is take online class for the week after" dinah spoke pointing at her laptop sitting next to her on the bed.

Camila nodded "then why not?" Smiling she looked back down at her phone again. She notice another necklace, although this one was Camila's before she gave it to lauren. It was Camila's junior- senior summer break and she had given lauren her shark tooth necklace the day before the last day of school. Lauren said she loved it and wore it all of summer.

Zooming out she noticed a letter sitting next to lauren. It had Lauren's name and address on it that camila knew she had written "she never opened the letter" she mumbled out.

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