Chapter 1: between the 2 years

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After her break up with camila. Lauren felt lost, although it was mutual between them that they would break it of, she was still sad about it.

Camila had barely anytime for her own, how would she be able to talk to lauren with school, a job and practice? Lauren just agreed but she still tried to convince camila not to break up with her.

Lauren cried almost every night for three months straight. It was bad but she still loved the girl anyways. Normani stayed by her side comforting her bestfriend. Dinah, ally and her texted but it was soon over as the older girls were to busy with their own lives.

The year was gone in a flash. And so was college. Lauren and normani both went to San Diego state when they were offered. She had many thoughts on calling camila or dinah to try and meet up with them but... she never did, she was nervous and scared they wouldn't want to talk to her.

So lauren and normani stayed together. Played ball and lived in the same dorm room. They loved it. Going to parties, sneaking into bars with fake ID's. Spending the night just studying or talking about life, or watching movies.

On the other hand Camila and dinah weren't at the same school. They did meet each other every monday, the days of from sports, their jobs and school. They met up halfway from their schools to hangout with each other. Sometimes it was like a study session.

Overall they barely had time for themselves. It was hard to keep up good grades and leave for sports but they managed. When their teams swam against one another they would spend the whole day talking and behind next to each other even if they were rival colleges.

But when camila and lauren broke up, she was almost all alone. Expect dinah who met up with her on Mondays. She cried night after night. She wondered what the younger girl was doing, she debated on calling when she had at least two minutes to spare but her thumbs never press the call button.


But two years later. Summer was ending and college was starting up again. In was the sunday before class started on Monday. Lauren really didn't care to much since her class where Wednesday's, Thursday and Friday's.

"Lauren. What are you getting?" Normani sighed taking a seat in a booth at a local bar in LA. Lauren tapped her chin before smiling at her bestfriend. "No, no. I'm not taking shots tonight. I have class on Tuesday and I don't want to be hungover the day before" normani gave her a warning look.

"Fine! Beers it is but..." lauren trailed off. Normani raised an eyebrow "can we at least share a mojito? It's the first drink we ever got before college". The two were driving down from Oregon from their summer vacation and they stopped here for the night before continuing their journey tomorrow.

Normani grossed her head back "ugh! God I hate that I'm agreeing with you" she spoke before moving to her of the booth they had just gotten to sit at.

Lauren smiled with a laugh following normani to the bar. "I can drive tomorrow if you want. So you wont be pissed at me for making you drive after a few beers" lauren bit her lip raising her eyebrows at normani waiting her answer.

"I'm getting one beer. And that stupid mojito. And your driving no matter what" normani rolled her eyes.

"Alright what can I get you.... lauren? Normani?" The bartender spoke with wide eyes seeing the two women in front of her.

"Dinah?" Normani and Lauren spoke at the same time. All of them suprised to see each other after two years.

"Hey" she smiled awkwardly "what are you guys doing here?"

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