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Thank you for all the support! 230 reads on this and more than 30 on Apocalyptic Love! If you haven't read my other story yet please do. Remember to check the description on it. Hope you have a great day/night. Remember to eat, drink water, get sleep and to touch grass! You are loved!! <3

Wilbur pushed past you, staying silent. You turned to him and grabbed his arm. Y/n: "I didn't mean it..I'm sorry-" He looked back at you, his face was pained and disappointed. Wilbur: "You meant what you said Y/n. I thought you would be happy that I was here.." He pulled his arm from your grasp as he walked off. You stood there, now gripping your fist. Y/n: "Damnit-!!" You punched a nearby wall, anger flooding you. Tommy went to your side and pulled you into a hug. Y/n: "Ghostbur's gone..and Wilbur isn't himself.. Tommy?" Tommy: "Yes?" Y/n: "Promise me you won't change, right?" Tommy smiled at you and nodded. Tommy: "Of course. I promise." You looked up from Tommy, seeing one of the signs from the room. It was mostly destroyed but you could make out small details.
A pla e that m n can eman ipat , the tyr  ny nd brutalit of the r rul rs
(A place where men can emancipate, the tyranny and brutality of their rulers^)

You sighed softly, shaking your head. You and Tommy went back to his house, seeing Friend looking out at you. His blue color made you tear up, remembering the spirit who loved him. You kissed Friend on the nose before putting him onto a lead. You handed it to Tommy. Tommy: "I'll walk hina around, want me to show Wilbur around too?" You nodded. Y/n: "Yes, thank you Toms."  Tommy took Friend for a walk, finding Wilbur walking across the now covered crater. He had a smile on his face, laughing to himself. Tommy walked over, Friend following close behind him. Wilbur: "I sure made a lot of damage to this place, huh?" Tommy grumbled to himself. Tommy: "You did. And everyone hates you for it." Friend stepped forward, going to Wilbur. Tommy: "No Friend, he isn't your owner." Friend looked down and went back to Tommy's side. Wilbur: "Technically I am Tommy. Ghostbusters was made because I died." Tommy shook his head, his fluffy blonde hair bouncing slightly as he did so. Tommy: "Your not Ghostbur. You and him aren't the same. Just follow me." Tommy led Wilbur around the destruction of L'manburg. He showed what was left of Church Prime, People's houses and led him down Prime Path. Suddenly the lead went limp as Skeppy killed Friend. Tommy's face was full of terror and anger. Both Skeppy and Wilbur laughed as Friend's body disappeared. Tommy was distraught, anger flooding him. Tommy: "You bastards! Friend did nothing wrong!! Your both sick assholes!!" Skeppy acted innocent. Skeppy: "I didn't mean to Tommy." Tommy: "You laughed! Your fucking laughed. Your both horrible people.."  Tommy picked up Friend's lead and collar, tears pricking his blue eyes. As he ran home to you he started to have tears roll down his face. You heard the front door slam open and turned. You saw your brother standing there, out of breath and crying softly. You went to him, a look of concern on your face. Y/n: "Tommy what happened?" Tommy caught his breath, looking up at you and making eye contact. Tommy: "Friend..he was killed. By Skeppy!'' You looked down and saw the boy gripping the name tag tightly, his knuckles white. The lead laid limp on the floor as he was standing there. Y/n: "Poor Friend..I'm so sorry Tommy. I shouldn't have let you walk him. I shouldn't have-" He cut you off by hugging you, making your heart break more. After the hug you took Friend's lead and name tag to his pen. You brushed your fingers across his engraved name before putting it around a fence post in the pen. You hung the lead in the stable, it hung there without it's sheep to hold it up. You could picture the blue sheep running around with Ghostbur. Him wrapping his arms around Friend as storms blew outside. The way Friend made him calm and happy. You went into your satchel and pulled out some blue, gripping it in your hand.
As the days moved on you and Tommy continued to ignore Wilbur. He wasn't the old one, he wasn't himself. The only time you acknowledged him was when he entered the house.

The One with A Guitar And Nation  WilburSoot x Gender Neutral Y/nNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ