A Culimination

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Sergey and Alex rush to the nearest headquarters . 

Driver , fast . orders Sergey

That was the boss we had earlier met , 100 percent sure ? asked Alex

You saw the image , what do you think . Replied Sergey

They are picking us off one by one , said Sergey

Who is doing this ? why are they doing this ? Sergey asked himself many questions

Did you find any uranium in Wilmir ? asked Alex

No , not in Wilmir . Not in the forests . We never ventured there 

What must be the reason Alex ? asked a visibly disturbed Sergey

The forests have their way . What way , that I do not know . Replied Alex

Are there such powerful creatures in the forests , capable of total destruction ? asked Sergey

Yes , they have always had the power and strength . never take the forests lightly . replied Alex

What are you going to do now ? asked Alex 

Now we protect the bosses . Put them up in safe houses . Replied Sergey

That's it ? asked Alex

Then we mobilize , and then we shower them with bullets . Bullets that will fall from the sky . WE will finish Wilmir

Doesn't that go against the treaty , asked Alex

Treaty , what treaty ? all agreements are off . They were off , once I saw the boss tied up to the tree

Alex nodded 

What next , what now ? asked Alex

We reach the office , then have a joint conference with all the remaining bosses . replied Sergey

As the conversation progresses between the two of them

Sergey gets a call .

Sergey , Sergey . Shouted the voice on the other end 

Run and hide . They are picking us off one by one . 

And the voice started to crack as the person on the other line spoke more words

Sir , sir . Said Sergey . I'm not able to hear you clearly . the line is going off 

And the line went dead

Driver , shouted Sergey . faster . Faster

Sergey , said Alex . How many bosses are there right now on the planet .

10 , yes , I would say 10 . Replied Sergey

Who was that ?  asked Alex

I think the main boss . District 1 . replied Sergey

Shit , said Alex . lets hurry 

As the car sped on the highway 

A huge object came down flying from the sky and headed towards the car 

And the passengers were unaware of the impending doom

There was a huge noise and explosion 

A crash on the car . 

The crash sent the car flying down curbside , turning itself over a dozen times

There was fire all around the car . 

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