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Morning , The home of Darticus 

There is still no news of Darticus , said Rylo to his Uncle . 

Shall we send a messenger over to the north to find out , what the reason seems to be . Asked Rylo

That is a good idea , do that . replied the Uncle 

Its best he avoids Wilmir . There is something brewing there . the uncle added

Alright , replied Rylo

And my father Unlce , he would like to meet you .  said Rylo

I will , I will meet him in the evening . replied the Uncle

Rylo , There is news coming from all over . That there will be no war . said the Uncle

Why ? I was actually looking forward to it  . Replied Rylo

No one looks ahead for war . Only a madman would 

What do you expect to win out of it , asked the Uncle

Win , I do not expect to win . Replied Rylo

The Uncle was really puzzled now . 

What do you mean by that ? Asked the Uncle

You see Uncle , you can win even when you lose . Replied Rylo

How so ? asked the Uncle

Chaos , replied Rylo

And what do you stand to gain with Chaos . Asked the Uncle 

Everything , uncle . Everything . When you roll the dice , nobody knows what number is going to fall 

You are indeed a madman , or at least turning into one . Said the Uncle 

The Uncle further added . And the lives that could be lost . That does not concern you at all . 

Even my lives at stake here . So the odds are fair . Would you not say that . asked Rylo

Send the horses , Rylo . Said the Uncle 

And Boy , your days are numbered if you continue with this nonsense . Warned the Uncle 

Rylo kept quiet . I'm sending the messenger , right away . he said 

Later that evening

Rylo's uncle goes over to his fathers house . Rylo's father was sitting on his desk , writing something seriously . 

Hello , Said Claudio to his father

Hello Claudio , replied the father

You seem to be busy . Said Claudio

No , not at all . Please come in . Greeted the father of Rylo

Claudio entered the modest house of his father . He lived alone 

Rylo's father could see that Claudio was not his usual self

You seem a bit bothered , said the Father

Please sit down , do you need some water . He asked Claudio

No Brother , replied Claudio . I'm fine

What bothers me are the words that come out of my nephew , said Claudio 

What has he said now , asked the father

That boy of mine , he was never good for anything except fighting . said the Father

I'm afraid he is turning over to the side of evil . He has become corrupt . replied Claudio

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