Atticus meets the king

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The king made his way to the royal room . The seated members of the kingdom rose up as the king entered . So did Philippe , Ana and Atticus get up and pay their respects to the king . Maximums took his seat and so did the rest of them , took to their seats one by one
Welcome Philippe , the king said . A job well done he said . Not in a very joyful tone as the death of his son still lingers large in his mind
Philippe got up and introduced Ana first and then Atticus
Sir , he said to the king . This is Atticus
Before Philippe could say anymore .
You must be 28 , 29 years old . If I,m not wrong . Said Maximus
I turn 28 soon sir , replied Atticus
Maximus looks at the members of the court and his general . Please he says
Can you give me time alone with the three of them , Maximus asks
Yes sir , say all of them agreeing to the request of the king at once
The party is gone , only the three of them and the king remains
Atticus , Says Maximus . You need not address me as Sir . I'm your father .
Sorry Sir , Says Atticus . I never had a father when I needed one most . And I wish for it to remain so
I understand your pain son , I had no other choice but to abandon you and your mother
We all have choices , Sir . You took the choice to leave us in the dark , alone and unwanted
Please Atticus , understand what I have to say . The situation was so dire that I had to push you all away . But I always had my eyes on the three of you , at all times . So that nothing bad happened to you
The three of us ? Atticus asks Maximus . What do you mean sir
You had a younger brother Son , who I believe was lost during the great floods
No sir , only me and my mother was displaced during the great floods . There was no other person with us . That I'm sure of
You have a younger brother Atticus , or at least you had one . Said Maximus with hardly any remorse
Atticus sat there in silence , not too shocked about the news as he always had a doubt in his mind
Sir , he said . If you really cared about us . Why did you not call us earlier to the kingdom . Why now ? When it's all so late . My mother is gone , and a brother I never knew I had is long gone .
Is it because you need me now to fill in for a role . Asked Atticus
No son , that is not the only reason. Replied Maximus trying to reason with his Son
What else is the reason sir , and if you really cared . You would have saved my little brother . Would you have not . Argued Atticus
Believe my son . We tried our best . We searched for days . For weeks in fact . But we could not find him . We tried out best .replied Maximus
Atticus did not speak again
Maximus slowly stood up . Went near the three of them
Philippe at once got up , Ana and Atticus remained seated
Is this your wife , Asked Maximus in a gentle tone pointing at Ana
No Sir , not yet . She would soon be although . Replied Atticus
She would make a beautiful queen one day , said Maximus
Ana smiled
Now I have some work to tend to , said Maximus to Philippe . Make the two of them comfortable and show them around the palace . We shall meet for dinner . Added Maximus
Yes Sir , said Philippe
Maximus nods at Philippe and proceeds to leave the room .
Soon as the king leaves the room . Two guards enter the royal room and guides Ana and Philippe to their rooms . The two guards have their belongings on their hands
Atticus and Ana obliges to the request of the guards and follow them .
I shall meet you in the room shortly before Lunch . And then I shall show you around .says Philippe
Atticus agrees to Philippe
What a day , he says to Ana as they make their way to the room
What a day indeed . Says Ana . Such a beautiful palace . So rich and historical . It would not be all that bad if we stayed here
Stayed here forever ? Interrupted Atticus
The king intends to quell the sadness , that is all there is
I would not try to comfortably here . Said Atticus
The guards were gone by now . The two of them sat there in their rooms .
So we are here temporarily, asks Ana
Yes , once the unrest is gone and things start to get normal . We shall be sent away
But Atticus , said Ana
Aren't you his son
I was his son when I was 5 years old too . Where was my father .
Ana started to feel a bit if sadness in her .
Does Philippe know this ? Asked Ana in a very concerned manner
I suppose not .
If there is one person we can trust in the kingdom . It's him . Replied Atticus
Yes , I too agree on that replied Ana
As Philippe makes his way to his office . He sees Maximus sitting there already waiting for him
Sir , says Philippe as he enters the office
Well done Philippe , says the king . Wonderful job
An extraordinary effort . adds Maximus
Sir , the job was not done by me alone . I had a lot of help on the way . Replied Philippe
A future king and a queen . That is wonderful news for the kingdom . Said Maximus
Yes Sir , that is great news . Philippe agreed as he takes his seat opposite the king in his office
We have a lot of work to do Philippe , says Maximus
First we need to plant the news all around the kingdom that a heir has been found
That can be arranged sir , says Philippe
We will have one problem there , adds Philippe
A problem , what problem would we have Philippe asks the king

Philippe responds to the question of the king :

Why was he hidden from all of us for so long ? Where was he all this while . That question would be raised across all corners of the nation . Replied Philippe

Maximus pondered for a while , you may be right . He replied to the valid point put across by Philippe

What do you Propose Philippe , Maximus asked him .

The news has to be planted nonetheless . So that there is no conundrum . Added Maximus

We have to look at an angel here Sir , Said Philippe

Turn the unfavorable situation into our favor . Take the arguments which are in negative light and show it in a positive manner . Added Philippe

Please Elaborate , said the King

People will not be so curious about his mother as much as they are about him . So we can ignore the part of the Mother . There is no need to bring her name up or any information about her .

The King nodded in agreement

What we need to focus on is Atticus . And Atticus only

And the point sir , we need to really zero down on is . Why was he gone and what was he doing all this while

The king looked at Philippe without saying a word

Sir , Philippe said . The main point we have to hit hard is that it was always your intention for him to return sooner or later . Back to the kingdom and serve as a general , king , counsel . Whatever it may be

The king once again nodded in agreement

And here a bit of luck seems to favor us , Continued Atticus

We can change the narration of the story to - Atticus was sent to the districts at a very early age to study and learn about them . How they worked , how they operated . How their economics was very advanced , so on and so forth . Concluded Philippe

Maximus was certainly delighted with the input of Philippe

Well done Philippe. Maximus said

The story will stick because it is partly true . added Maximus

We have one problem sir , Said Philippe

We need Atticus to stick to the story . Added Philippe

That is indeed a problem , replied Maximus

Philippe. He said . That is your duty now . To convince Atticus to stick with our story .

Yes Sir , replied Philippe to the Kings order

Good , said the king . I will make sure the news is planted across the kingdom

Maximus got up and began to leave the room . Philippe was busy going through some documents

Philippe then too out a book and a pen from the pen stand . He then began to jot some things down .

Maximus shut the door behind him . Philippe remained engrossed in his work

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