At the Kingdom

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As Maximus plans to shape the story of Atticus that best suits him , Philippe is hesitant to get Atticus to agree to the story . What kind of reaction can be expected from him ? Would he be accept or would he not cooperate at all . Philippe well knew by now that there was an angrier side to Atticus . He did speak back to the king himself . The news had to be shared with Atticus , that was for sure . But when ?

Philippe sat in his office still figuring out ways to tell Atticus . Would he listen to him at all , he thought
Just then .... Atticus himself walked into Philippe's office
Hello Philippe , said Atticus .
Hello Atticus , replied Philippe in a rather tensed voice
Atticus sat down on a chair , just where his father previously sat earlier
You seem a bit anxious , said Atticus
Oh , nothing too troubling . Just some menial work . Replied Philippe without fretting too much
Is your accommodation alright ? Are you comfortable ?. Asked Philippe
Everything is fine . Replied Atticus
I just met someone who came knocking to my room . He said that you wanted to tell me something important . That is the reason I actually came down here . Said Atticus
Philippe was a bit surprised , but managed to hide it well . I do not recall sending anyone , Philippe muttered , his voice lost in the air .
Yes , Atticus he said . This time confidently
The king and I have discussed that .......
Philippe proceeds to tell Atticus the details to what has transpired .
Atticus carefully listening to the words of Philippe . Did not utter a word at all , he maintained a stern face throughout not leaving any emotions to flow through
Atticus , called out Philippe
Have you heard everything I just said , if any at all
Philippe , said Atticus . The story seems fair . Though I'm new to the kingdom , from what little I have seen . The people and the place , I like it . So I will stick to the story .
Philippe was exalted .
You have indeed taken it very well , Atticus . He said .
You are a good friend to me , as well as to the kingdom . Said Philippe to Atticus
Atticus just smiled , hiding his true concern and colour
That is my only intention , he replied to Philippe
I shall take leave now , he says to Philippe
To which Philippe nods
Atticus gets up from his chair and walks out of the office .


A few days pass by , with Atticus getting acquainted with the kingdom and it's people . Well , mostly people within the place . The prominent ministers , the general and few others . Atticus is accompanied by Philippe most of the days . The days the Philippe is not able to accompany him , Atticus is accompanied by the General . The General takes to Atticus as he shows keen interest and knowledge in strategy and warfare much to the surprise of the General .
The General asks him one day : Atticus , have you been studying about the great warriors and the great wars too . Your knowledge seems to be exceptional and most of all practical .
Practical , asked Atticus curiously
Practical enough for a supernatural world
Atticus laughs , and replies shortly after
No sir , Replies Atticus
I do not study about the wars extensively. Just here and there . I barely had the time
Impressive , said the General.
As Atticus was busy getting acquainted with the affairs of the kingdom
King Maximus was busy with his minister of people and affairs , and the minister of information . Busy trying to plant the story of his son Atticus

Minister , he says
How are the people , how are they responding to the death of my so now . Is the atmosphere still full and gloomy asks Maximus
Yes Sir , replies the minister of people
But the overall outlook of the people towards the kingdom is improving
That is good news , although we need to make our efforts even more efficient , Maximus says
How are we progressing on the story front , he asks the minister of information
The story is slowly being planted across all kingdoms . The pace at which it is spreading sir , is a bit slower than expected . The minister of information adds
The atmosphere is still gloom , give it a couple of weeks says the minister of people to the other minister seated inside
Rightly so , agreed the king
Do keep the efforts in a sustained manner . Added Maximus
Both the ministers agreed in unison
As the cabinet was busy discussing other crucial matters . The minister of intelligence enters the kings office
Sir , we have a problem he says .
What is it minister , what seems to be the problem . The king asks him
Intelligence says that there is widespread fear among the population that there is going to be a war
War ? The king hammers his clenched fist on his desk
There is no war , there has been no war since the death of Marcus . Who is spreading these lies , the king asks the ministers angrily
The minister of people and information respond that they do not have a clue to what the other minister is saying
Isn't it your business to know ? Maximus asks again furiously
The three of them remain silent . Leaving time for the king to cool his tempers down a bit
As the king regains his composure
He asks the minister of intelligence. A war , a war from where he asks the minister
Sir , responds the minister . War from the forests . That is what my intelligence says . They are grouping together and arming themselves heavily . The minister finishes his sentence
Why am I hearing it so late ? He asks the three of them .
Again there was no response from the three of them

Now we need to quell the fears among the people , add that to the agenda , Maximus instructs the ministers

We need to separate the matters into two parts , the minister of information tells the other two ministers . Atticus and the war situation . 

What is the name from the forests , who is supposedly trying to start a war ? the minister of people asks the minister of intelligence

There is a king , their king . The minister responds

Maximus who was listening keenly , responds . There shall be no such thing . There will be no war . He says

That is the news we need to focus on , we need the people to remain calm . Adds Maximus

One of the minister asks . What if war arrives . 

No fool will plan as such , he says . Even though we are not what we once were . We are considerably stronger than them . Says Maximus confidently

The ministers agree to the statement made by the king

It is normal in such circumstances for them to prepare for war . They are preparing in a case where we attack . Says Maximus

Minister , Maximus says to the Minister of intelligence . Find out the information about their leader , the name , all the details . Maximus adds

At once , sir . Says the minister of Intelligence as he takes leave

The two of you , Maximus says to the other two Ministers

Quell the fear first . Tell the people that there will be no war at any cost . And then plant the story of Atticus . We need to act fast and also be smart . says Maximus in a stern manner

Yes sir, says the both of them and take leave immediately

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