Darticus in North

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The snow persisted , causing Darticus to stay in the North , longer than he had expected . His whole trip has been extended by many a days because of the snow , getting acquainted with the Marakese and now here at the North . At home , people are getting anxious that their king has not yet returned .

The extended stay at the North has given Atticus more time to train the northern army . The training seems to be progressing well , as the soldiers are seen to be showing more discipline . General Klick is slowly getting back on his feet . A lot of bad things can be said to him but in this case he could be let off . Surprisingly , he does not hold a grudge against Darticus . Queen Angela is seen watching the army train and and on outward appearance seems to be happy to host Darticus for even longer . The same can't be said when she is the quarters , alone . She is starting to despise Darticus , as she sees him as a far superior leader than she ever could be . Even worse , he seemed to remind her , and as she largely suspected remained the people of her late father . This was not good news for her at all . And as for her meeting klick , that has not happened yet . Apart from the beginning few days . It has been weeks since she saw him . Elsewhere Algried is hammy about the snow . There aren't any rummages they need to be afraid off . And Wilmir , well Wilmir goes as wilmir goes . Growing more darker and denser with each passing day . And there was news that the darkness of Wilmir was spreading to other parts of the Forest . But this remains a rumour , for now . There has be no reporting or sightings that would attest to that matter .

The present now ,
Newly appointed Deputy General Telick , and King Darticus were discussing new forms of training and various other forms of combat . 

Telick , said Darticus 

When we move the army out of the north , I would like for you to  come with me 

Telick without any hesitation , where de we station . He asked Darticus 

Near Wilmir , replied Darticus

Wilmir , wont that be a problem . asked Telick

What would be the problem . asked Darticus

The evil that spreads , sir . Near Wimir

That is just a rumor . replied Darticus . 

We do not need to pay any heeds to rumors . added the king . 

It works out strategically for us . I have a plan . 

Telick seemed to agree . He did have a huge amount of respect for Darticus

We need to clear a big area , and create a colony for the army . Said Darticus

And it goes without saying , you are to be the leader of the camp 

Telick nodded 

As the two were busy discussing further strategies and plans , Telick seemed to alert Darticus of something 

What ? said Darticus , can you be more clear . 

The queen Sir , she is fast approaching us 

Darticus turned to look at the other direction . Angela was indeed approaching them at a fast pace 

And as she was getting closer , you could see a big smile on her face

What must be the case for that ? asked Darticus to Telick in a tone which would not be audible to anyone except the two of them 

Before Telick could s ay anything . Angela was far too close for telcik to say anything without being heard

Angela , greeted Darticus

Darticus , she greeted back

You seem to be in a very happy mood . Said Darticus

Oh , yes . We all should be . she replied

What is the reason . asked Darticus

There is good reason to believe , that there will be not be any war from the side of the kingdom 

Darticus remained composed , so did Telick 

Where do you get the news from , Darticus asked Angela

From a trusted source , she replied

Trusted source . Darticus asked in a curious manner

Yes , a trusted source . A very trusted source . She replied

And what makes the source say that . Asked Darticus

The king himself , does not want a war . And his word stays as long as he does . replied Angela

Darticus disagreed . There could be a war . We cant let our guard loose . He said

I thought you would be a relieved . Angela Sighed

I'm starting to think , you want this to happen . You might even create one . Even if the kingdom does not want it , you will surely attack . Said Angela

Darticus dismissed her thoughtless words

Angela left out a laughter . And she said . You are more twisted than I'm . And for a brute like you , that is a deadly combination

Shut up , she shouted at the Queen 

Angel was stunned . 

First you break the ribs of my General . And now you tell me to shut up in my land . How dare you ? said a fiery Angela

How dare I ? How dare I . Maybe I'm a brute . And this world needs Brutes like me to put witches back in their place . Before they burn the whole place down

Angela began to laugh once again . 

Darticus dear , she said . You are the one trying to burn the place down 

I'm not trying to burn anything down , he said . I'm doing this so that the place does not come burning down . 

Oh mighty king . The forests will come burning down . She said . Everyone know that . And you will be the reason . 

What are you saying Angela , asked Darticus . 

Destiny Darticus . Its your destiny . Everyone knows it , everyone . Except you 

 I need you to leave now , please Requested . Unless you have something to add to our conversation . Please do leave . 

OK , I will leave now . Said Angela and she took leave

Does the snow turn everyone mad around here , he asked Telick . Implying at the antics of the Queen

How long till the snow clears Telick , asked Darticus . We need to get out of here as soon as possible

Very soon sir , replied Telick 

The snowcaps at the summit are slowly starting to melt . added Telick Further pointing at the direction of the mountain top . The same mountain top that he rode down from 

That's good news . replied Darticus

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