Philippe reaches District 8

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The shadow warriors

Much has not been said about the shadow warriors , who lay claim to the desert . Trained with the swords , capable of striking fear in the strongest of warriors . They attacked early in the mornings , before the sun rose and mostly left without a trace . They just left the body there , did not take any of the belongings , nothing . Their motive was not known to people . Did they kill the people simply because they trespassed or did they do it out of fear . The only thing that was known they were

Fight with Philippe

Philippe was almost about to cross the destination , just about then

Trespasser , we have been watching you these past days . Why do you chart this treacherous path ? Have you not heard about us . We do not let any cross this way . All trespassers crumble in our hands .

Oh , i know who you are . you are the infamous shadow warriors , replied Philippe . I know how you fight , and i know how you run when you cannot defeat the opponent , like cowards

The shadow warriors were surprised , no one has spoken to them like that . Most scurried like away foxes upon their arrivals , and when they ran the shadow warriors attacked them with swords and spears . Where these people lived is still not known .

Philippe now drew his sword , waiting for them to make their move . There were three of them , waiting to put a sword through Philippe .

He took his defense , while the shadows attempted to attack . Raising their swords above the head in a slightly slanting position as in to go directly for the head . Two shadows attacked Philippe simultaneously

Philippe took two steps back and held his sword high so as in to defend the oncoming attack . Then he himself tried to land a countering blow , which was blocked by the shadows . So , on went the fight . One dealing blow to the other . An hour the fight went on , Philippe was badly wounded by now . Only one shadow remains , their leader .

Philippe tired to the heavens , takes a moments break and retreats a few steps back again to form a defensive stance . Both of them heavily wounded , barely having enough strength to lift their swords , fight till one of them dies . Philippe using his knowledge of various forms of attack , somehow manages to finish the leader .

He gets on the horse and makes his way outside , as fast as he can before the others come and attack him . Within a few hours of travel he reaches District 8 .

At District 8

Philippe enters a realm he has only read in books , big buildings , cars , big fleets flying around . Concrete roads and people dressed like robots . Most of them behaved like robots . People walking through as though they never noticed anything except the footpath . Philippe did not receive any attention at all . He was surprised and humbled all the same by the humongous structures and the number of the people that inhabited it .

He strode through the streets much like how a cowboy would in a concrete jungle . He rode on , what looked like a mile long road that never seemed to end . One strange thing he started to notice was that the cracks began to appear in district 8 as he went in deeper . The rich buildings were slowly being replaced by poorer houses , the roads were beginning to show cracks and people remained in the shadows now . Now all the eyes were on him , are the shadow warriors here too ? Philippe thought to himself . But he saw in their eyes fear and remorse .  They were not savage like the warriors , these people were humbled .

Philippe now remembered the words of the librarian , the great floods which wreaked havoc on these people . He was mightily surprised that the buildings were repaired and no sort of action was taken . What sort of empire is this ? Philippe thought to himself .

Philippe strode on , as the shadows lingered . The children now coming in and out of the shadows . Trying to take a peek at the incoming stranger . Philippe was startled and moved by the poverty that he was seeing . He was shaken , as his strides began to get slower and slower . The road was ending and the trial continued . The buildings were getting worse and worse , now the houses were replaced by racks completely and the shadows were slowly starting to disappear .

Philippe began to realise that the people were now very old in this part of the road , and no young adult or children were to be seen . His strides were extremely slow now , and suddenly an old man rushed to the road . The horse was a bit startled and came to a screeching halt .

What business do you have here young man ? Asked the old man .
I come here in the name of the empire . Replied Philippe . I'm on a mission from the one true king himself
The only king here is the buildings and the people who own in , replied the old man . And you certainly are not welcome here young man

Help if you can , or please step out of the way . You can see that I'm badly wounded and I have no time for arguments , said Philippe
The old man's eyes showed a bit of empathy , Alexandra called out the old man to his wife . Why don't you tend to this young man . And once he is seen to , we shall at once send him away . Alexandra came out of their house and told Philippe to stall the horse and get inside .
Philippe nodded his head in gratitude and entered the house , courteously thanking the both of them .
Philippe sits on a chair , and a nearby nurse comes and tends to him . A very beautiful nurse she was . A girl of striking beauty and he could not take his eyes off her . Philippe does not remember being this struck ever , he stammered each time she asked him a question . Unable to proper respond , Philippe was left in a daze . How can a girl be so beautiful he thought to himself . Even the empire does not have such a person in all her lands . And here , out here in the barracks I find a person of such striking beauty . What's your name girl ? Asks Philippe . As she was about to respond Alexandra enters the room .

Philippe's daze is averted and his gaze is shifted to Alexandra .

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