The kingdom , again

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Philippe welcome , greeted the king as Philippe entered the office of Maximus
Please have a seat , said the king .
What can I do for you sir , asked Philippe
We have a situation with Atticus , said the King
A situation , sir . Asked Philippe
Yes , a situation that really needs your help
How can I help , asked Philippe
As you aware Philippe , that Helen is not really fond of Atticus . She sees him as a stranger , an outsider
And we very well know that she would rather see you as the heir . Said Maximus
Me as a heir ? Joked Philippe
She really does Philippe , said the king . And if the rules were any lighter . It would be my preference too . Replied Maximus
Atticus is a good man , an able heir Sir . He has the deep understanding of strategy and war as well . Said Philippe
Yes , I too have heard that . He has taken keen interest in the armies and history as well
I'm sure your father must be a big inspiration to him . Replied Maximus
He was an inspiration to all the youth growing up sir , said Philippe in a proud tone . Philippe was very proud of his father and he cherished the memories of his father
So Philippe , said Maximus right into the thick of things
Without Helen accepting Atticus there is no point In All of this . He needs her approval
Yes sir , we need to get her approval
And what is it you need me to do sir ? Asked Philippe like any good servant of the kingdom would
I need you to convince Helen of the qualities of Atticus and that he would make a good king in the future against her doubts . Replied Maximus
Philippe sat there silently
Finally he responds after a bout of deep thinking , I will try my best my king . Said Philippe
Very well son , replied Maximus in a relieved tone
Philippe then took leave


It was late at night , Atticus was deep into his reading . Ana was fast asleep . As Atticus turned page after page , the night kept getting darker . The moon shone as bright as the sun , one could tell . And suddenly , there was a strange feeling in the room . Atticus first ignored it . But the strange sensation would persist . It would not leave . This made Atticus close his books and check the halls first . What am I doing , this is stupid . Atticus thought to himself . There was nothing in the halls . Let me check the balcony and get it over with . Thought Atticus . Atticus went to the balcony to check if there was someone . There was no one . As he was about to enter the room again , a creature made its presence on the balcony . Atticus looked back , he gasped . It was the same creature that killed Chris and for what he remembers took his brother away . The creature just stood there , so did Atticus . There were no words that were uttered . And what surprised Atticus was that he was not scared by the creature . He was not threatened by the shapeshifter .As the two of them Stood there in the Balcony
Good , said the shapeshifter . You are not scared of me . And there is no reason for you to be . You are not like the others . Continued the shapeshifter
Atticus though not scared , was stumped . He had a million things running on his mind . Yet , he could not utter a word .
I know you have many questions to ask , the shapeshifter said it itself . You will understand it all in due time .
Atticus still stood there unable to speak
You see Atticus , we have been here for thousands of years . In the shadows manipulating the outcome of things that determined the fate of this planet . Said the shapeshifter . Our ways are not always justifiable , you should know that .
You are evil , said Atticus finally uttering a few words
Maybe so , our ways have been evil sometimes . Said the shapeshifter
But I'm not scared of you , said Atticus
And you don't need to be . Replied the shapeshifter
We were not always like this , said the shapeshifter . Certainly not . We were like the rest of them . In flesh and blood . Continued the shapeshifter
Atticus just stood there , listening carefully
Wilmir was not always like this . Mysterious . It was the heart of the forests . There was happiness all around .
Then what happened , asked Atticus curiously
Then the times changed , evil prevailed . Replied the shapeshifter
The forests , the trees all started to speak of evil , there was strangeness all around
Why did you not leave ? Asked Atticus as he felt that was the right question to ask .
Some people left , replied the shapeshifter . But most of us remained . It was our home . We did not know anything else , nor we knew of any place to go
Atticus somewhat seemed to agree to the point
And in the few people who left Wilmir was the clan of your mother . The Ulkir .
The Ulkir , ? Asked Atticus
The Ulkir , given the most important of tasks . Said the shapeshifter
What is that ? Asked Atticus
To guard the sacred egg , that lay in the middle of Wilmir
But they abandoned their duty , and they fled at the first sight of evil
What's in the egg ? Asked Atticus
Something that flies up in the air and leaves fire from its mouth . Replied the shapeshifter
Dragons ? Asked Atticus in a excited to d much like a child would
Yes , dragons . Replied the shapeshifter
Indeed , the Ulkir have failed , said Atticus
Yes , replied the shapeshifter
Now who guards the egg . Asked Atticus
The ghosts of Wilmir , replied the shapeshifter

There was a pause ,a bit of an apprehension began to show in the face of Atticus . All this was a bit too much for Atticus to take in .  

The Ulkir have failed you , said Atticus . My mother has failed you . 

In a way , yes . replied the shapeshifter

I'm the son of my mother , that means I'm not your ally . You are indeed here to hunt me down ? Asked Atticus

The shapeshifter laughed , his pale yellow teeth shone brightly under the moonlight . 

Atticus , the dragon was destined for the Ulkir . The son of a Ulkir was destined to ride the dragon . Replied the Shapeshifter

And the dragon is our destiny , the destiny of Wilmir . The dragons and its riders destiny is to remove the darkness away . 

There are no other sons of Ulkir ? what about my brother ? asked Atticus

Yes , it is only you . Your mother was the only Ulkir who bore a child . The rest passed away childless. Said the shapeshifter

And yes , you and your brother are the only Ulkir that are left on this planet . The shapeshifter finished his sentence

Where is my brother ? asked Atticus

His time will come , his destiny will be revealed to him . replied the shapeshifter

As Atticus was about to ask further questions , 

In due time , yours will be too . Replied the shapeshifter as he jumped on top of the balcony and vanished soon after . 

Atticus gazed at the moon , its beaming light shone on his face . His face turned more wily than that of the shapeshifters under the moon 

Dragons ! 


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