At the Grand opening

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Philippe goes through the entrance , thousands of people throng towards the building . The many employees are seen showing their ID cards to the security officers .

Many bypass the security as the officers are over whelmed . Philippe manages to bypass the security officers . 

This place is changing me , I have never broken any rules

Philippe walks through the big doors , and he witnesses many events taking place 

Hundred stories tall 

Thousands are spread participating in many activities , Philippe walks through the crowded place . And he navigates to the front desk 

Again he sees , hundreds queued up in front of the receptionist 

Maybe it is a wrong day for me to have come here . he thinks 

I shall return tomorrow 

As he heads back , he witnesses many people getting seated at the Atrium

What must that be ? 

He walks towards the seated Atrium . There is a man speaking in front to fall these people . A very polished man in a polished suit 

And then he witnesses something out of the ordinary . 

His Ears

 His ears are tied to his head . 

He quickly remembered the description said by Beltik

So was the paintings of the man . Huge paintings of the man and a few others hung all over the atrium

 He must be the Boss 

I have read about these people . But nothing or little is known from which galaxy they come from . Certainly from something far away from us

The man continues speaking , and the people get seated quickly

Most of the seats are filled . Inquisitively Philippe seats himself

The mans words echo in the chambers

Friends and colleagues , We enter a glorious era . A period of great prosperity . And those of you who stuck with us through out the years . You are the ones who are gonna enjoy the fruits to your labor . Not me , you . it is you who is going to thrive . The very people who are seated here . 

There were a few groans and sighs . Though the majority of the people were seen clapping . 

The man continues to speak , Philippe's attention turns elsewhere , the mans voice gets to the background . 

Suddenly , a whizzing sound begins to get louder and louder 

What must be that be , Philippe looks up . Up above the atrium has a big glass you can look through . Must be the fleets 

Philippe looks around . There was no suspicion in any of the people face . 

The sound persisted . Maybe I'm the only one able to hear this sound 

There was a sudden flash of lights , through the windows on top of the Atrium . 

A hovercraft comes blazing in , breaking the window . Large pieces of glass falling in 

The people try to escape from the attack . 

Philippe lay seated there . The people around him panic and try to run , some crumble . Tripped by the chairs , the rest by the other people 

Philippe watches the hovercraft coming down at a very fast speed . 

It was heading towards the podium where the Boss was speaking . 

The security officers run towards the boss to protect him 

The hovercraft , lands directly on the podium . Killing the boss and the people seated at the front

Injuring  most of the people who were present at the atrium  

There was smoke and fire everywhere . 

A huge comes hurdling towards Philippe , at a very fast speed

A piece of metal , hurls towards him and hits his head . 

The impact was Substantial 

It would have killed an ordinary man . But the impact could only manage to knock him out unconscious 

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