Philippes search for atticus

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The death of the young prince sends shockwaves all over the land. While the people mourn , Philippe sets of to find the bastard . Finding the Bastard would prove to be a herculean task , much harder than Philippe had originally thought . 

One fine morning , very early Philippe gets on his horse and sets off a path unchartered . The only information that he has is that the Bastard resides in one of the highly populated working districts . And there were a dozen working districts . These districts were largely outside the control of the Empire . As the empire was not interested in technological developments , corporations broke out from the empire and started these districts . 

Fragments and Bigger pieces

Andora was a much more complex planet than the other planets in the Galaxy . Small fragments existed here and there all over the lands . But there 3 major empires - The one true king , the second was  Darticus - the king of the forests , and lastly the corporations . One vastly different from the other . The most powerful right now was the corporations adhering to the times , followed closely by the king . Who was slowly losing his power . And Darticus remains as he was , limiting himself to the forests . 

While the king does not try to conquer the lands here or in outer space , the corporations continuously send their fleets to collect resources and also do a variety of trading . The king has a treaty all over the galaxy and also a lot of powerful enemies . The corporations do not enjoy such attention and this greatly upsets them . Their allies and enemies are not as powerful , and they largely go unnoticed all over the galaxy . 

Darticus remains in the forests and no one in the galaxy except the people of Andora know his name . 

The Bastard in the Districts 

The Bastard whose name is yet to be known to Philippe , lives in the working districts . Philippe first charts his course to the public library of records that is 50 miles from the kingdom . In the library , they have records of birth and marriage for the last 500 years . So Philippe for sure thought that the bastard will be found under the marriage of the king and  Camila . But under further inspection he understood that the kings marriage will not be recorded , as intended . Around noon Philippe finally reaches the library of records . A huge structure that stands over 100 feet in height . You would expect such a formidable building to be heavily guarded . But to his surprise , there were no guards , just an old librarian waiting at the entrance , as though expecting the arrival of Philippe . 

Hello sir , welcomes the librarian . He must be a 100 years old thought Philippe to himself  . Hello sir , replies Philippe to the old man . You must be here for the bastard , well come in . we have  a lot to discuss , says the librarian to Philippe . 

Please have a seat , let me bring the records you need to pay attention to . But you must know young sir , said the librarian - I have already prepared the details to make your job easier .  

The librarian puts a bunch of books on the table . Young sir , you do not need to open them . I have all the information you need . But I must say the records for the last 10 years I do not have nor does this library . So you must presume that nobody in the lands will have the information . 

So let me tell you , his last known location was in District 8 . He was 8 years old , he along with his mother . They escaped the great floods you must have surely heard of and they seemed to have settled elsewhere . The rest is something you must figure out from someone else . or someplace else . I have the location for District 8 and how you can access it . I Suggest you start from there Sir .

Philippe looked up at the librarian , dusted the books and opened them up . 

There are some pages that are missing Sir, said Philippe to the librarian . 

Yes of course Philippe , I'm aware of that . There may have been someone else with them . I suspect they went missing after the floods . Their  identity I do not know . 

Philippe looked up at the librarian . Sir , if I may  can i have the book for myself for this journey 

The librarian hesitated for a quick minute and eventually parted away with the book . Philippe was almost about to leave . Young sir , do not trust anyone . No one is your ally .

Philippe nodded and left the building . 

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