Alex and Sergey

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So Alex , can we start by discussing who this Atticus is . I need you to be honest with me . Said Sergey

100 percent disclosure , replied Alex

Ok , start . Said Sergey

Alex tells everything about Atticus , beginning from his entry to District 11 . He conveniently leaves out the part of him following his everyday life from since he was a child . 

Sergey , after paying attention closely to what Alex was saying . He took down the notes in his laptop soon after Alex finished the story

He was there during the first theft of the fleets . But he was not present at the crash . right ? asked Sergey

Yes , you are right . Said Alex

He is a person of interest , but he certainly is not the primary suspect in this case . It is quite obvious a syndicate is involved , Alex . said Sergey

One man cannot pull this off , and plus this character looks like an ordinary working man . 

Although there is no harm in treating him as a suspect . Said Sergey 

Does he have an Alibi for the time during the crash . Where was he . Asked Sergey

He was at home  . he is under paid leave . So there is no concrete alibi that he can provide . Replied Alex

Ok , where is he now . I would like to meet him . said Sergey

He must be at the district 11 . At his house . Replied Alex

Sergey paused for a second

You are not leading me on a wild goose chase here , are you ? he half joking / half seriously asked Alex

No , of course not .I have no reason to , replied Alex

You have all the reason to . said Sergey to him in that rough voice again 

As Sergey stared at Alex , Sergey's phone went off

The alarm on his phone started ringing repeatedly . 

Sergey at once looked at his phone , as his face turned a little suspicious 

What ? what has happened asked Alex curiously 

Wilmir . replied Sergey

Wilmir ? that does not cover our jurisdiction . asked Alex

Jurisdiction . laughed out Sergey . They are just imaginary lines that are made up to keep an illusion of safety and privacy . 

To the rich and powerful , there is no jurisdiction  . Everything , everywhere is a matter of concern . replied Sergey

Ok . Said Alex who was not surprised anymore about the way these people operated

Alex . There is a lot of activity going on Wilmir . Some kind of disturbance . said Sergey

What part of Wilmir , exactly . asked Alex

The middle of it , said Sergey as his face started to frown 

The two men were seated in a large office space in the Investigation unit of District 5 

Not much importance as given to the building , Hardly any personnel were in the building . The lights of the room flickered on and off , Distracting the two of them 

Lets get out of here , said Sergey to Alex . This room sucks , anyway 

The two men got up and walked to the car 

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