Darticus departs the North

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Many weeks have passed , since Darticus last spoke to the queen . The sun shone brightly , the weather was clear and the snows were departing the mountains .

Darticus was seated in his office , along with Telick

Telick , Darticus said .

Can you tell General klick to come here to my office

Yes sir , said Telick and proceeded to carry on the orders

After half an hour or so

Telick arrives with the General

General Klick has recovered well and was almost back to his normal self

Please sit down , he says to the both of them

General , says Darticus

The snows are almost gone . I think it is time we leave

You could leave . agreed Klick

We plan to go and set up base near Wilmir . Said Darticus

That is your business , king . Replied The Gerneral

Telick , get the soldiers ready . We leave tomorrow at dawn . Commanded Darticus

Yes , my king . said Telick

Telick leaves the room ...

The queen need to know . Said Klick

Of course , I will tell her myself . Replied Darticus

What if there is no war . What happens to the soldiers . When do we get them back . Asked Klick

There will be a war . General. That i assure you . replied Darticus

What makes you so sure , asked Klick

The worst outcome has always happened Klick .

As far as this planet is concerned . Prepare for the worst and expect the worst

Maybe so . nodded Klick and there was a pause

Maybe not , you are just a kid . You do not know what you are talking about .

For that matter , neither does the queen . She too is far too young

And I'm afraid Darticus , that the planet will be in the control of the youth who do not know the darkness of the world . Who are too naïve to think that the sword who bruises your heart will be from an enemy

And that comes with experience . Darticus . And listen to me carefully when I say it

It is your friends and allies that will stab you in the back , when it is cold , when the moon shines in these dark woods , and when you are fast asleep  .

That is how it is , in our planet and any planet that exists throughout the universe

Wars , Darticus are fought between friends , brothers whose sword turned the wrong way . And if there is a war to come , this will be the reason .

Darticus did not speak . Such wisdom from a brute . Maybe I kicked him too hard , his brains has started to work differently

Thank you for the advise , said Darticus in an honest tone

Farwell kid , said the general

Hopefully we do not have to fight each other at some point in our lives

Hope not . I do not want to pick up a sword when there is a way to avoid it

Goodbye , General .

The Next day

At Dawn ,

Telick stands in font of an army of around 300000 . Darticus at the back of his army .

They are prepared to cross the mountains

Darticus looks for the queen

She is seen standing on the first floor of her house .

Farewell queen , says Darticus

Farewell Darticus , she says . Hopefully we do not fight each other anytime in our lives , she says

Is this something the northern folks say , thought Darticus .

Darticus nodded and laughed . His eyes looking into the eye of the queen

Her gaze too stood firm

Soldiers , commanded Telick

March ahead , Telick instructed

The huge army started to march ahead , the soldiers on their horses started to move forward

Goodbye Angela , Darticus whispered

She too whispered , Goodbye

The army cross the mountains

The army cross the mountains , the snows were almost gone completely . The horses treaded a much easier path than what Darticus and horse navigated through . But all that said , it was not a easy one to cross . It was a treacherous and tricky path the maintains offered the trackers , wary or young , hardened or naive . The Paths were narrow and steep most of the way climbing up . And with the large amount of horses and men , it indeed was going to be huge task . Especially for the young deputy Telick . He made sure that he trotted much slowly so that the soldiers did not have to hurry themselves . On the contrary , Darticus back of the line was moving inch by inch . Even though the snail pace at which they moved irritated him , he did understand the situation. The company trotted and trotted , not stopping even at night . Only to quench the thirst of soldiers and horses alike . And when the soldiers took too long a time . Telick commanded them to move ahead . He will make a good general one day , thought Darticus
And he went into even deeper thoughts . As one tends to do so as the strides become monotonous
I too am young . Much younger than any king that came before me . And I too have been naive . The brute was right . Slowly Darticus began to remember the dream he had in the caves . With Rylo against him . The thought persisted now and then , but he always shrugged it off . No , no way . Not my brother . He is a good man , a man whose loyalty lies here amongst our people . But in the end , the thought remained . I just hope it does not strain our relationship. I must conceal any doubts I have of him , no matter what . Then everything will be alright . Darticus assured himself
The thoughts slowly began to shift to himself , the insecurities he has carefully hid in a thick shell
Am I right the person to be the king ? Maybe someone could be ? Someone older then me ? Someone wiser than me . Yes , yes . I'm not the right person to lead . I shall discuss this with uncle .
As Darticus was having these deep thoughts and insecurities , there was sudden calmness and clarity in a mind . That was buzzing all along . A strong yet gently voice appeared in his mind . It was instantly recognisable to Darticus . It was the Marakese cheif
Son , the voice said . It is normal to have self doubt . That's what makes us people . But in this case , you are completely wrong . You are the right person , you are the right man to lead . Do you know why ? Because you have a soul that can't be corrupted and you have a character that won't lose its integrity . You are a man of the people . And it's ok to be not strong all the time . And don't mistake youth for weakness , it's the most courageous that wins the battle , not the strongest . And I'm yet to meet a man more courageous than you . This battle and the next , whatever may come . The victory will belong to you . As the courage you . It is not blind . It is honest and pure . The last words were not too clear , as the voice started to fade away . But he understood what it meant

There was clarity and a earnestness in Darticus now , all the doubts he had . All the insecurities he had . Slowly vanished

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